Buscando PDF para Formatação de Símbolos no Word 2013


Alguém sabe onde posso encontrar um PDF com todos os símbolos de formatação ocultos do Word 2013? Eu gostaria de imprimi-lo.


por SharePointNY 05.01.2017 / 17:03

1 resposta


Este link explica a maioria das marcas de formato ocultas no Word. Embora a página pareça tão antiga quanto o Windows 98, os mesmos símbolos foram usados do Word 6.0 até o Word 2016.

Paragraph marks

The paragraph mark or pilcrow (¶) represents a paragraph break

Line breaks

A right-angle arrow pointing to the left represents a line break, inserted with Shift+Enter.

Pagination breaks

More obvious in their meaning are manual column, page, and Section Breaks.

Space characters

In most fonts, and certainly all Windows “core fonts”, a∙ small∙ raised∙ dot∙ represents∙ an∙ ordinary∙ space∙


An arrow pointing to the right → represents a tab character


A conditional hyphen (one that is printed only if it falls at a line break, entered with Ctrl+Hyphen) is shown as ¬.

Cell markers

In tables you will see one additional character, the universal monetary symbol (¤)

Hidden text

Shown as dotted underline below hidden texts

Coloured underlines

Denote several information.


Control floating objects

Field codes

Dynamic texts


Bookmarks are indicated by heavy square gray brackets

por 05.01.2017 / 18:52