Script não está sendo executado no currículo / ativação no Ubuntu


Eu tenho um script chamado no meu /etc/pm/sleep.d

O script segue assim: -

export DISPLAY=:0
case "{$1}" in
lynx --dump link1 >> file1
lynx --dump link2 >> file1
lynx --dump link3 >> file1

grep "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" file1 > file2

sed -i 's/^......//' file2

awk '/org%3A1337%2Fannounce/{print;print "";next}1' file2 >> file3

lines=$(wc -l < file3)

echo "no. of line $lines"
    if grep silicon+valley+s03e03+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3;
            lineno=$(grep -n silicon+valley+s03e03+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3 | cut -d : -f 1)
            echo "current line no :-" $lineno
            link=$(head -n $lineno file3 | tail -1)
            echo $link
                notify-send -i /home/hasan/Desktop/flash/Flash.ico 'Flash is Running' 'Getting silicon valley episode 3'
                transmission-remote -a $link
                echo $link >> flush
                echo "\n\n" >> flush


    if grep silicon+valley+s03e05+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3;
            lineno=$(grep -n silicon+valley+s03e05+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3 | cut -d : -f 1)
            echo "current line no :-" $lineno
            link=$(head -n $lineno file3 | tail -1)
            echo $link
                notify-send -i /home/hasan/Desktop/flash/Flash.ico 'Flash is Running' 'Getting silicon valley episode 5'
                transmission-remote -a $link
                echo $link >> flush
                echo "\n\n" >> flush

    if grep silicon+valley+s03e06+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3;
            lineno=$(grep -n silicon+valley+s03e06+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3 | cut -d : -f 1)
            echo "current line no :-" $lineno
            link=$(head -n $lineno file3 | tail -1)
            echo $link
            notify-send -i /home/hasan/Desktop/flash/Flash.ico 'Flash is Running' 'Getting silicon valley episode 6'
            echo episode 6 of silicon valley online
                transmission-remote -a $link
                echo $link >> flush
                echo "\n\n" >> flush
    if grep silicon+valley+s03e07+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3;
            lineno=$(grep -n silicon+valley+s03e07+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3 | cut -d : -f 1)
            echo "current line no :-" $lineno
            link=$(head -n $lineno file3 | tail -1)
            echo $link
            notify-send -i /home/hasan/Desktop/flash/Flash.ico 'Flash is Running' 'Getting silicon valley episode 7'
            echo episode 7 of silicon valley online
                transmission-remote -a $link
                echo $link >> flush
                echo "\n\n" >> flush
    if grep silicon+valley+s03e08+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3;
            lineno=$(grep -n silicon+valley+s03e08+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3 | cut -d : -f 1)
            echo "current line no :-" $lineno
            link=$(head -n $lineno file3 | tail -1)
            echo $link
            notify-send -i /home/hasan/Desktop/flash/Flash.ico 'Flash is Running' 'Getting silicon valley episode 8'
            echo episode 8 of silicon valley online
                transmission-remote -a $link
                echo $link >> flush
                echo "\n\n" >> flush
    if grep silicon+valley+s03e09+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3;
            lineno=$(grep -n silicon+valley+s03e09+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3 | cut -d : -f 1)
            echo "current line no :-" $lineno
            link=$(head -n $lineno file3 | tail -1)
            echo $
            notify-send -i /home/hasan/Desktop/flash/Flash.ico 'Flash is Running' 'Getting silicon valley episode 9'
            echo episode 9 of silicon valley online
                transmission-remote -a $link
                echo $link >> flush
                echo "\n\n" >> flush
    if grep silicon+valley+s03e10+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3;
            lineno=$(grep -n silicon+valley+s03e10+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+ file3 | cut -d : -f 1)
            echo "current line no :-" $lineno
            link=$(head -n $lineno file3 | tail -1)
            echo $link
            notify-send -i /home/hasan/Desktop/flash/Flash.ico 'Flash is Running' 'Getting silicon valley episode 10'
            echo episode 10 of silicon valley online
                transmission-remote -a $link
                echo $link >> flush
                echo "\n\n" >> flush

Espero que a sintaxe esteja correta e que o posicionamento do script esteja na pasta correta.

O script não é executado no resumo do sistema.

Onde estou indo errado?

Eu tentei:

Mas ninguém parece me ajudar.

P.S. O script é executado bem no terminal

Os logs: -

May 22 20:39:16 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19426]: /lib/systemd/system-sleep/flush failed with error code 1.
May 22 20:39:16 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19426]: /lib/systemd/system-sleep/Flash.ico failed with error code 1.
May 22 20:39:16 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19426]: /lib/systemd/system-sleep/file3 failed with error code 1.
May 22 20:39:16 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: Failed to connect to non-global ctrl_ifname: (nil)  error: No such file or directory
May 22 20:39:16 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: Suspending system...
May 22 20:39:23 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: System resumed.
May 22 20:39:23 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: Failed to connect to non-global ctrl_ifname: (nil)  error: No such file or directory
May 22 20:39:23 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19459]: /lib/systemd/system-sleep/wpasupplicant failed with error code 255.
May 22 20:39:23 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19459]: /lib/systemd/system-sleep/Flash.ico failed with error code 1.
May 22 20:39:23 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19459]: /lib/systemd/system-sleep/file3 failed with error code 1.
May 22 20:39:23 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19459]: /lib/systemd/system-sleep/file1 failed with error code 1.
May 22 20:39:23 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19459]: /lib/systemd/system-sleep/file2 failed with error code 1.
May 22 20:39:23 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19459]: /lib/systemd/system-sleep/ failed with error code 1.
May 22 20:39:23 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19459]: /lib/systemd/system-sleep/flush failed with error code 1.
May 22 20:39:25 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: /dev/sda:
May 22 20:39:25 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]:  setting Advanced Power Management level to 0xfe (254)
May 22 20:39:25 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]:  APM_level        = 254
May 22 20:39:30 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: Looking up
May 22 20:39:30 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: Unable to locate remote host
May 22 20:39:30 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.
May 22 20:39:30 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: lynx: Can't access startfile
May 22 20:39:30 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: Looking up
May 22 20:39:30 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: Unable to locate remote host
May 22 20:39:30 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.
May 22 20:39:30 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: lynx: Can't access startfile
May 22 20:39:30 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: Looking up
May 22 20:39:30 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: Unable to locate remote host
May 22 20:39:30 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.
May 22 20:39:30 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: lynx: Can't access startfile
May 22 20:39:30 user-550p5c-550p7c systemd-sleep[19424]: no. of line 0
por penta 22.05.2016 / 16:13

1 resposta


##Sorry for bad English.
##usage: silicon valley
##This urlencode fonction is from github project but I couldnt remember who is creator.
urlencode() {
    # urlencode <string>

    local length="${#1}"
    for (( i = 0; i < length; i++ )); do
        local c="${1:i:1}"
        case $c in
            [a-zA-Z0-9.~_-]) printf "$c" ;;
            *) printf '%s' "$c" | xxd -p -c1 |
                   while read c; do printf '%%%s' "$c"; done ;;
##In this case it doesnt requirement.
urldecode() {
    # urldecode <string>

    local url_encoded="${1//+/ }"
    printf '%b' "${url_encoded//%/\x}"

a=$(lynx --dump "$(urlencode $@)"|grep "magnet"|sed "s/.*&dn=\([^&]*\).*//g"|sed "/^$/d")
line=$(wc -l < <(echo "$a"))
echo "no. of line $line"
for i in 03 05 06 07 08 09 10;do 
    if [[ $(echo "$a"|grep "silicon.valley.s03e$i.720p.hdtv.x265.hevc") ]];then #Also you can use variable for s03 but this is just example
    echo "$a"|grep -n "silicon.valley.s03e$i.720p.hdtv.x265.hevc" #This will print like "8:silicon+valley+s03e03+720p+hdtv+x265+hevc+135mb+shaanig"
    lineno=$(echo "$a"|grep -n "silicon.valley.s03e$i.720p.hdtv.x265.hevc"|cut -d: -f1)
    link=$(echo "$a"|grep -n "silicon.valley.s03e$i.720p.hdtv.x265.hevc"|cut -d: -f2)
    #notify-send -i $HOME/Desktop/flash/Flash.ico 'Flash is Running' "Getting silicon valley episode ${i}"

Espero que isso lhe dê uma ideia de como você precisa usar esse script. Não codifique para cada letra apenas faça-o no laço. Além disso, se você repetir um par de comando basta adicionar uma função como esta

function repeating_command() {
echo $@ #this will print all argument
#grep -n "$(echo "$@"|cut -d" " -f2-)" $1 #I assume that first argument is filename Other args are for searched by grep.
echo FileName is $1
echo willSearchByGrep is $(echo "$@"|cut -d" " -f2-)
#example usage: repeating_command FileName silicon.valley
por 24.05.2016 / 01:33