extensão do gráfico do dicionário de sinônimos da palavra MediaWiki


Eu uso MediaWiki no Ubuntu. Existe uma maneira de criar word thesaurus graph das categorias do MediaWiki? Por exemplo, como esta imagem:

por hasanghaforian 26.01.2016 / 20:17

1 resposta


Talvez você tenha encontrado desde então, mas por causa da interweb, VIKI parece fazer o trabalho:

VIKI (visualização e integração de conhecimento):


VIKI (Visualization and Knowledge Integration) is a D3-based directed force layout graph visualization of the structure of a wiki. In a VIKI graph, graph nodes represent individual wiki pages or web pages, while links between nodes indicate page links (i.e. one page has a hyperlink to another page, e.g. of the form [[Other Page]]). These links are directional, where the direction of the link indicates which page links to which. If two pages link to each other, the link is bidirectional. We say two pages are linked on a VIKI graph if there is a link between their nodes on the graph, i.e. either of the two pages links to the other, or they link to each other. Some wiki pages also have hyperlinks to external web pages; these pages are also displayed on the VIKI graph (with a generic wi-fi icon), but interaction with these pages is limited.

The graph is pannable and zoomable using either the mouse scroll action or the zoom bar located at the bottom of the graph. Individual nodes may be dragged around and rearranged as well; the D3 graph automatically revises node positions to a local equilibrium state whenever nodes are dragged.

por 30.10.2016 / 15:02