I can't simply install a VPN service or something similar on it to do so
Por que, claro, você pode! O Quick Googling me levou a este tutorial e este tutorial , no qual eles explicam como configurar um cliente OpenVPN em um Raspberry Pi. Observe que esses tutoriais são especificamente para os provedores de VPN, mas não é difícil substituir as configurações de outro provedor de VPN.
Aqui está um resumo do segundo tutorial:
STEP 1. Get your current package list updated:
sudo apt-get update
STEP 2. Install the openvpn daemon/package
sudo apt-get install openvpn
STEP 3. Download the needed config files and then copy them to the pi (via scp or FTP), then unzip them into
sudo mv openvpn.zip /etc/
sudo unzip openvpn.zip
cd /etc/openvpn
STEP 4. (Optional) Edit the config for adding your username and password (won't be prompted to input for each connection attempt). Open a config file that you want to use: after the 'auth-user-pass' add user.txt Save the config, and exit to the shell.
Create the user.txt file with your username and password in it on two different rows, e.g.:
root@raspberrypi:/etc/openvpn# cat user.txt username password root@raspberrypi:/etc/openvpn#
Protect the file:
chmod go-rwx user.txt
Make the conf.sh executable:
chmod +x /etc/openvpn/change_resolv_conf.sh
STEP 5. Use the following command to get connected (replace config name with the one you want):
sudo openvpn --daemon --cd /etc/openvpn --config ibVPN-UK-Gosport.ovpn
Check status:
curl ifconfig.me
STEP 6. To disconnect run:
killall -9 openvpn