O que significa o QD4 no contexto do desempenho do SSD?


Eu estou olhando vários benchmarks SSD e descobri que eles algumas vezes especificam o desempenho "QD4 random read". O que isso significa?

por d33tah 20.10.2015 / 22:51

1 resposta


Este post parece lançar alguma luz sobre isso:

QD means "queue depth" and simply indicates the number of separate threads taking place with the drive while each thread independently runs its own transfers. QD4 means there are 4 separate threads that are going on the specific drive. These are 4 separate requests for 4K of data. I'd say that a regular user with everyday usage is closer to 1-3 depth so the QD4 might be more relevant. You can find this out in Resource Monitor in the Disk Tap where a graph of your queue depth is displayed by default on the right side.

por 20.10.2015 / 22:53