AFAIK, existem três alternativas:
vlock : (está nos repositórios da maioria das distros),
Virtual Console locking program
vlock either locks the current terminal (which may be any kind of terminal, local or remote), or locks the entire virtual console system, completely disabling all console access. vlock gives up these locks when either the password of the user who started vlock or the root password is typed.
Control physical access to a linux computer by locking all of its virtual terminals / consoles.
physlock is an alternative to vlock, it is equivalent to 'vlock -an'. It is written because vlock blocks some linux kernel mechanisms like hibernate and suspend and can therefore only be used with some limitations. physlock is designed to be more lightweight, it does not have a plugin interface and it is not started using a shell script wrapper.
bash script to lock the console.
It requires the password of the calling user to unlock the console. This utility is similar in spirit to vlock, the only reason it exists is because vlock was unavailable for OS X.
The main purpose of bashlock is to be used as a lock-server inside tmux. This allow you the user to lock tmux sessions.