Mac trava indefinidamente no desligamento


Quando eu reinicio meu mac executando o Yosemite, todos os aplicativos são encerrados, os ícones da área de trabalho desaparecem, mas o computador trava indefinidamente. O plano de fundo e o encaixe da área de trabalho ainda estão visíveis, e o encaixe ainda responde ao mouse e aos cliques da direita. Eu tive o problema há cerca de um mês e quase fiz esta pergunta, mas ela se resolveu espontaneamente.

Estou incluindo meu system.log, caso isso seja útil. Por favor, deixe-me saber se existe um arquivo de log diferente que seria mais informativo.

Muito obrigado por qualquer insight.

Eu tento desligar às 10:12, depois deixo o computador descansar até as 10:22. Aqui está um trecho do system.log durante o hang

Jun 19 10:10:10 daelab mds[57]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7f83b98dc000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/firmwaresyncd.5QZ5zf

Jun 19 10:10:22 daelab SystemUIServer[319]: Attempt to use XPC with a MachService that has HideUntilCheckIn set. This will result in unpredictable behavior:

Jun 19 10:10:39 daelab mdworker[490]: code validation failed in the process of getting signing information: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67062 "The operation couldnât be completed. (OSStatus error -67062.)"

Jun 19 10:11:13 daelab acvpnagent[45]: Function: GetSettings File: ../../vpn/Agent/ServicePluginMgr.cpp Line: 274 m_pIServicePlugin is NULL

Jun 19 10:11:24 --- last message repeated 1 time ---

Jun 19 10:11:24 daelab acvpnagent[45]: Function: HandleError File: ../../vpn/Common/Utility/HttpSession_curl.cpp Line: 705 Invoked Function: CHttpSessionCurl::HandleError Return Code: 52 (0x00000034) Description: unknown

Jun 19 10:11:24 daelab acvpnagent[45]: Function: SendRequest File: ../../vpn/Common/Utility/HttpSession_curl.cpp Line: 943 curl_easy_perform error - 52 Error

Jun 19 10:11:24 daelab acvpnagent[45]: Function: SendHttpRequest File: ../../vpn/PhoneHome/FileUploader.cpp Line: 197 Invoked Function: HttpSession::SendRequest Return Code: 52 (0x00000034) Description: unknown

Jun 19 10:11:24 daelab acvpnagent[45]: Function: PostDataGetResponse File: ../../vpn/PhoneHome/FileUploader.cpp Line: 417 Invoked Function: CFileUploader::SendHttpRequest Return Code: -29032420 (0xFE45001C) Description: HTTP_SESSION_ERROR_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE

Jun 19 10:11:24 daelab acvpnagent[45]: Function: PostDataFile File: ../../vpn/PhoneHome/PhoneHomeAgent.cpp Line: 1650 Invoked Function: CFileUploader::PostDataGetResponse Return Code: -29032420 (0xFE45001C) Description: HTTP_SESSION_ERROR_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE Failed to post customer experence feedback data (/opt/cisco/anyconnect/CustomerExperienceFeedback/outbound/feedback_data2.cef)

Jun 19 10:11:24 daelab acvpnagent[45]: Function: ScanAndPostFile File: ../../vpn/PhoneHome/PhoneHomeAgent.cpp Line: 2340 post failed, give up this time.

Jun 19 10:11:36 daelab mdworker[489]: code validation failed in the process of getting signing information: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67062 "The operation couldnât be completed. (OSStatus error -67062.)"

Jun 19 10:12:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---

Jun 19 10:12:08 daelab warmd[56]: [_bootcachectl_playlist_for_file:3202] Unable to generate playlist for file: 2 No such file or directory

Jun 19 10:12:10 --- last message repeated 3 times ---

Jun 19 10:12:10 daelab pkd[345]: ignoring mis-configured plug-in at /Applications/DEVONthink plug-ins must be sandboxed

Jun 19 10:12:10 daelab mds[57]: (Server.Warning:445) No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"

Jun 19 10:12:11 daelab[499]: Layout still needs update after calling -[NSSavePanelAlertStyleContentView layout]. NSSavePanelAlertStyleContentView or one of its superclasses may have overridden -layout without calling super. Or, something may have dirtied layout in the middle of updating it. Both are programming errors in Cocoa Autolayout. The former is pretty likely to arise if some pre-Cocoa Autolayout class had a method called layout, but it should be fixed.

Jun 19 10:12:17 daelab CoreServicesUIAgent[390]: unexpected message { count = 1, contents =

"XPCErrorDescription" => { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" }


Jun 19 10:12:17 daelab[1] ([499]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9

Jun 19 10:12:18 daelab loginwindow[94]: ERROR | __34-[SessionLogoutManager quitFinder]_block_invoke | Finder is killable, calling SMJobRemove

Jun 19 10:12:18 daelab WindowServer[157]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 68879

Jun 19 10:12:48 --- last message repeated 10 times ---

Jun 19 10:14:35 daelab lsuseractivityd[362]: application (null) considered for activity continuation, but rejected because it will not run using a suitable architecture

Jun 19 10:14:44 daelab lsuseractivityd[362]: application (null) considered for activity continuation, but rejected because it will not run using a suitable architecture

Jun 19 10:15:34 daelab lsuseractivityd[362]: application (null) considered for activity continuation, but rejected because it will not run using a suitable architecture

Jun 19 10:16:13 --- last message repeated 1 time ---

Jun 19 10:16:13 daelab acvpnagent[45]: Function: CreateThreatReportDirChangeEvent File: ../../vpn/PhoneHome/PhoneHomeAgent.cpp Line: 739 Failed to get threat directory information from settings

Jun 19 10:16:13 daelab acvpnagent[45]: Function: OnTimerExpired File: ../../vpn/PhoneHome/PhoneHomeAgent.cpp Line: 1091 Failed to create threat report dir change event

Jun 19 10:17:43 daelab bird[366]: Invalid signature for bookmark at path:'/Users/daeda/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Pages/Documents/Lab/Professional Log.pages' parentFileID:2059260 fileID:4378780 size:436384 mtime:1432310477 mode:-rw-r--r-- alias generationID:4 fd:18 refs:1

Jun 19 10:17:43 daelab kernel[0]: bird[366] Unable to quarantine: 93

Jun 19 10:17:43 daelab bird[366]: setting error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=6881396 "The operation couldnât be completed. (POSIX error 6881396 - Unknown error: 6881396)" UserInfo=0x7fa4d3d0f310 {NSDescription=Unknown error: 6881396}

Jun 19 10:17:43 daelab bird[366]: Failed to unstage r:290 up:idle st{p:00000000-0000-3000-0012-00000000022F n:"Professional Log.pages" fault reserved etag:j4 bt:1410301612 m:rw- doc:176 s_ino:2492196 s_gen:41} ct{etag:25 mt:1410301612 sz:444 KB (454540) n:"Professional Log.pages" sig:01481ac895dff04a9939c7dbc5d891a1e94bd4b6a6 device:1} downloading [(null)] to Professional Log.pages: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=6881396 "The operation couldnât be completed. (POSIX error 6881396 - Unknown error: 6881396)" UserInfo=0x7fa4d3d0f310 {NSDescription=Unknown error: 6881396}

Jun 19 10:17:44 daelab bird[366]: Invalid signature for bookmark at path:'/Users/daeda/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Pages/Documents/Lab/Lab Notebook 1 Brewer.pages' parentFileID:2059260 fileID:4378778 size:1376928 mtime:1432310476 mode:-rw-r--r-- alias generationID:4 fd:18 refs:1

Jun 19 10:17:44 daelab kernel[0]: bird[366] Unable to quarantine: 93

Jun 19 10:17:44 daelab bird[366]: setting error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=-729391104 "The operation couldnât be completed. (POSIX error -729391104 - Unknown error: -729391104)" UserInfo=0x7fa4d3d278d0 {NSDescription=Unknown error: -729391104}

Jun 19 10:17:44 daelab bird[366]: Failed to unstage r:289 up:idle st{p:00000000-0000-3000-0012-00000000022F n:"Lab Notebook 1 Brewer.pages" fault reserved etag:im bt:1412206929 m:rw- doc:175 s_ino:2492194 s_gen:58} ct{etag:27 mt:1412206929 sz:608 KB (622928) n:"Lab Notebook 1 Brewer.pages" sig:01316a18c5faf12326f95cfbdbf52efc91e63791a7 device:1} downloading [(null)] to Lab Notebook 1 Brewer.pages: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=-729391104 "The operation couldnât be completed. (POSIX error -729391104 - Unknown error: -729391104)" UserInfo=0x7fa4d3d278d0 {NSDescription=Unknown error: -729391104}

Jun 19 10:17:44 daelab bird[366]: Invalid signature for bookmark at path:'/Users/daeda/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Pages/Documents/Practice/Practice Journal.pages' parentFileID:2059416 fileID:2059450 size:1385784 mtime:1433460640 mode:-rw-r--r-- alias generationID:14 fd:18 refs:1

Jun 19 10:17:44 daelab kernel[0]: bird[366] Unable to quarantine: 93

por Dae 19.06.2015 / 16:49

2 respostas


Ative o modo de inicialização detalhado, que também ativa o modo de desligamento detalhado:

sudo nvram boot-args="-v"

(deve ser reinicializado para que isso tenha efeito)

Em seguida, observe o que é impresso na tela no próximo desligamento. Talvez tire uma foto com seu celular.

Você também pode ver todas as mensagens que foram registradas, independentemente de terem sido feitas no arquivo syslog ou em qualquer outro arquivo de log de texto simples, executando o comando syslog . Vai vomitar muitas mensagens de log. Role para trás até encontrar o desligamento anterior e copie todas essas linhas.

Dica: edite / atualize sua pergunta com essa informação. Agrupe o bloco de texto em < pre > < / pre > tags para formatá-lo corretamente.

P.S. Se mais tarde você decidir que não gosta de inicialização detalhada, poderá voltar ao normal com:

sudo nvram -d boot-args
por 20.06.2015 / 03:12

Eu tive esse mesmo problema no MacBook Pro do inicio de 2011 executando o OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 e consegui resolver o problema excluindo ~/Library//Preferences/ . Eu também excluí a pasta ~/Library//Saved Application State/ , mas não acho que isso seja necessário.

por 07.09.2015 / 20:09
