Você precisará habilitar o VBA para isso. Então você quer colar isso no seu editor VBA depois de mais nada:
Sub CreateWorksheet_TransposedListing(inputData As Range, worksheetName As String)
AddNumberedSheet worksheetName
Dim new_sheet As Worksheet
Set new_sheet = Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Dim nRowDx As Integer, nColDx As Integer
Dim sValue As String, sHeader As String, sAddress As String
For nRowDx = 1 To inputData.Rows.Count
For nColDx = 1 To inputData.Columns.Count
If nColDx = 1 Then
sValue = Trim(inputData.Cells(nRowDx, nColDx).Value)
sHeader = Trim(inputData.Cells(nRowDx, nColDx).Value)
sAddress = FindNextHeaderCell(new_sheet.Name, sHeader)
If sAddress = "" Then Exit Sub
new_sheet.Range(sAddress) = sValue
End If
End Sub
Function FindNextHeaderCell(sSheet As String, sRowHeaderName As String) As String
Dim nRowDx As Integer, nColDx As Integer
For nRowDx = 1 To 32766
If IsEmpty(Worksheets(sSheet).Cells(nRowDx, "A")) Then
Worksheets(sSheet).Cells(nRowDx, "A") = sRowHeaderName
FindNextHeaderCell = Worksheets(sSheet).Cells(nRowDx, "B").Address
Exit Function
ElseIf Worksheets(sSheet).Cells(nRowDx, "A") = sRowHeaderName Then
For nColDx = 2 To 32766
If IsEmpty(Worksheets(sSheet).Cells(nRowDx, nColDx)) Then
FindNextHeaderCell = Worksheets(sSheet).Cells(nRowDx, nColDx).Address
Exit Function
End If
If nColDx > 32766 Then
MsgBox "This result is larger than VBA will support. Results have been truncated."
FindNextHeaderCell = ""
Exit Function
End If
End If
If nRowDx > 32766 Then
MsgBox "This result is larger than VBA will support. Results have been truncated."
End If
FindNextHeaderCell = ""
End Function
Sub AddNumberedSheet(Optional sWorksheetName As String, Optional bSelectWorksheet As Boolean)
Dim sheet_name As String, num_text As String
Dim i As Integer, new_num As Integer, max_num As Integer
Dim new_sheet As Worksheet
max_num = 0
For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
sheet_name = Sheets(i).Name
If Left$(sheet_name, Len(sWorksheetName)) = sWorksheetName Then
num_text = Mid$(sheet_name, Len(sWorksheetName) + 1)
new_num = Val(num_text)
If new_num > max_num Then max_num = new_num
End If
Next i
Set new_sheet = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
new_sheet.Name = sWorksheetName & Format$(max_num + 1)
If bSelectWorksheet Then new_sheet.Select
End Sub
Então você quer adicionar um método que o chama. Por exemplo, se você tiver um botão, use algo assim:
Sub Button1_Click()
CreateWorksheet_TransposedListing Range("A1:E4"), "TestSheet"
End Sub