Como definir palavras para todas as maiúsculas usando o ditado do windows 7


Quando estou ditando, às vezes quero que todas as palavras sejam todas maiúsculas. Então eu quero desligar isso.

por Doug Null 26.06.2014 / 23:07

1 resposta


Na documentação

Dictating next word in all capital letters

When you're dictating, you can enter a word in all capital letters by saying "All Caps" and then the word. For example, say "All Caps please" to get PLEASE. In the Medical Edition, you can choose to have important words appear in all caps automatically. See Capitalizing critical words for emphasis in Medical Edition on page 87.

Dictating consecutive words in all capital letters

When you want to dictate consecutive words in all capitals, you can turn all capitals on and then turn them off when you've finished. To dictate consecutive words in all capitals: Say "All Caps On" to turn all capitals on (like pressing the CAPS LOCK key). Dictate the words that you want to appear in all caps. For example, say "the end" and Dragon types THE END Say "All Caps Off" to turn all capitals off.

por 26.06.2014 / 23:47