Não é possível instalar o PyDev no Eclipse Indigo


Se alguém puder ajudar ...

Eu recebo o mesmo erro toda vez que tento instalar o Pydev no Eclipse Indigo usando este procedimento link

O SO é LinuxMint Release 13 (maya) 64 bits / Kernel Linux 3.2.0-23-generic

ERRO: "Instalando o software" encontrou um problema. Ocorreu um erro ao coletar itens a serem instalados


An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=PlatformProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.python.pydev,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile8423629606714641838.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile8423629606714641838.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.python.pydev.analysis,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile8391623327659480311.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile8391623327659480311.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.python.pydev.codecompletion,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile3746625321772103475.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile3746625321772103475.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.python.pydev.debug,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile4902431167943030588.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile4902431167943030588.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.python.pydev.fastparser,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile8336801411655622421.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile8336801411655622421.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.python.pydev.refactoring,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile3401911711333613730.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile3401911711333613730.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile5465887325944080639.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile5465887325944080639.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.ast,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile2530886465445907824.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile2530886465445907824.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.core,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile8353668280674205348.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile8353668280674205348.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.customizations,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile8961879712878586747.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile8961879712878586747.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.debug,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile5358033523041732985.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile5358033523041732985.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.django,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile701668588170627706.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile701668588170627706.jar
Problems downloading artifact: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.python.pydev.feature,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile8407261573488726376.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile8407261573488726376.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.help,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile7258747189504801082.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile7258747189504801082.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.jython,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile8306438291183972232.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile8306438291183972232.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.parser,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile6196297495782026099.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile6196297495782026099.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.refactoring,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile1002743366551160316.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile1002743366551160316.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.shared_core,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile281611419680518255.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile281611419680518255.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.shared_interactive_console,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile6543277695859229447.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile6543277695859229447.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.shared_ui,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile6214006044667779893.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile6214006044667779893.jar
por Zoran 18.01.2014 / 22:16

1 resposta


Esta pergunta foi respondida em SO: link (existem várias cópias não marcadas, na verdade, essa é a mais antiga que encontrei).

Trecho da resposta:

de: link

Important requisite

PyDev now requires java 7 in order to run. If you don't have java 7, the update process may appear to succeed, but PyDev will simply not show in the target installation. Please double-check if you're using a java 7 vm in about > installation details > configuration before trying to install PyDev.

Eclipse 3.8 onwards is required for the latest versions of PyDev (if you need to use an earlier version of Eclipse, stick to PyDev 2.8.x).

Qual versão do Eclipse você está executando? Estou executando o Ubuntu 12.04 e o Centro de Software me serve o Eclipse 3.7.

Para instalar o 2.8.x no Eclipse, faça como o bohrax mencionado: desmarque "Mostrar apenas as versões mais recentes do software disponível" e selecione o 2.8.x.

(PS: como lidar com duplicatas entre sites )

por 22.12.2014 / 12:24