pressione a tecla CAPS LOCK quando tiver o problema novamente.
Quando você fizer isso, se a luz CAPS LOCK no teclado não mudar quando você pressionar a tecla CAPS LOCK, o computador pode não responder completamente (desligar).
Este cenário geralmente indica um problema com o hardware. Ou o driver pode causar esse problema. Para ajudar a isolar o problema, verifique os seguintes itens:
Overclocking: Disable overclocking to see whether the issue occurs when the system is run at the correct speed.
Check the memory: Verify the memory by using a memory checker. Verify that each memory chip is the same speed and that it is configured correctly in the system.
Power supply: Make sure that the power supply has enough wattage to appropriately handle the installed devices. If you added memory, installed a newer processor, installed additional drives, or added external devices, such devices can require more energy than the current power supply can provide consistently.
Overheating: Check whether the system is overheating by examining the internal temperature of the hardware.
Defaults: Use system defaults, and run the system.
Se a luz não alternar, é um software que congela o PC.