O que você está vendo é um abstract socket , um tipo especial de soquete específico para o Linux. De man 7 unix :
* abstract: an abstract socket address is distinguished by the fact that
sun_path[0] is a null byte (' * abstract: an abstract socket address is distinguished by the fact that
sun_path[0] is a null byte ('%pre%'). The socket's address in this namespace
is given by the additional bytes in sun_path that are covered by the
specified length of the address structure. (Null bytes in the name have no
special significance.) The name has no connection with file system
pathnames. When the address of an abstract socket is returned by
getsockname(2), getpeername(2), and accept(2), the returned addrlen is
greater than sizeof(sa_family_t) (i.e., greater than 2), and the name of
the socket is contained in the first (addrlen - sizeof(sa_family_t)) bytes
of sun_path. The abstract socket namespace is a nonportable Linux
'). The socket's address in this namespace
is given by the additional bytes in sun_path that are covered by the
specified length of the address structure. (Null bytes in the name have no
special significance.) The name has no connection with file system
pathnames. When the address of an abstract socket is returned by
getsockname(2), getpeername(2), and accept(2), the returned addrlen is
greater than sizeof(sa_family_t) (i.e., greater than 2), and the name of
the socket is contained in the first (addrlen - sizeof(sa_family_t)) bytes
of sun_path. The abstract socket namespace is a nonportable Linux
Embora isso não seja mencionado, os nomes de soquete abstratos são impressos com o primeiro caractere @ em vez do byte nulo, como é usado em bind () etc.
Como é mencionado na man page, a string após o @ ou o byte nulo não é um caminho do sistema de arquivos, e pode ser qualquer coisa. No seu caso, ele é estruturado como um caminho por motivos organizacionais (para evitar conflitos com outros sockets abstratos).