As probabilidades são de que você nunca obterá esses efeitos extras como esse e o funcionamento no Windows Vista ou mais recente devido à alteração do MS feita no subsistema de som.
De Wikipedia :
"Universal Audio Architecture (UAA) is an initiative unveiled in 2002 by Microsoft to standardize the hardware and class driver architecture for audio devices in modern Microsoft Windows operating systems. ... Starting with Windows Vista, Microsoft requires all computer and audio device manufacturers to support Universal Audio Architecture in order to pass Windows Logo."
"The goal of the Universal Audio Architecture is to solve a very common problem in modern Microsoft Windows products, that of inconsistent support for audio. Due to the lack of a common system by which audio devices could describe their capabilities to the operating system, not to mention a lack of ability to control those capabilities, audio device manufacturers (such as Creative Labs, Realtek, Turtle Beach and others) have had to provide a series of control panels and custom interfaces to let a user control the device. This, in turn, requires kernel-mode drivers so that the user's actions can be communicated to the hardware itself. Poorly-written audio drivers have been a common source of system instability in Windows, especially with games that make use of extended audio card capabilities. These concerns prompted Microsoft to disable the audio stack entirely by default in Windows Server 2003."
Você tem sorte de que o RealTek (e seu fabricante MB) tenha sido bom o suficiente para fornecer QUALQUER driver mais recente. Um LOT de pessoas com placas de som mais antigas tem que ir comprar novas porque os fabricantes não queriam escrever drivers básicos para o Vista + UAA para qualquer coisa que não fosse o seu melhor e mais recente produto.
Espero que ajude ...