Precisa de ajuda com um minidump bsod por favor


Eu postei uma pergunta nos fóruns do Windows 7, mas ainda não recebi uma resposta. Por causa da pressa com esse problema, eu estava tão livre para postar aqui também. Por causa das respostas rápidas habituais eu cheguei aqui.

O Windows 7 permite que você use uma ferramenta para incluir os dumps e alguns arquivos de sistema que são usados.

Os arquivos estão localizados aqui em um arquivo rar.

Espero que alguém saiba qual é o problema do hs / sw.

É o Windows 7. . . x64

  • o sistema operacional original instalado no sistema? Vista

  • um OEM ou uma versão comercial completa? OEM

  • Qual é a idade do sistema (hardware)? 3 a 4 anos

  • Qual é a idade da instalação do sistema operacional (você reinstalou o sistema operacional?)

Não, 5/6 meses

por Chris 12.10.2010 / 13:38

1 resposta


Não parece ser um erro de driver, já que os erros estavam no kernel do NT ... Meu primeiro palpite seria RAM defeituosa. Realmente não posso ajudar mais, mas aqui estão algumas informações dos arquivos de despejo gerados pelo WhoCrashed:

On Fri 17.9.2010 17:26:24 your computer crashed  
This was likely caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe  
Bugcheck code: 0x50 (0xFFFFF1200882A158, 0x1, 0xFFFFF80001FED455, 0x7)  
Dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump1710-40560-01.dmp  
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe  
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
company: Microsoft Corporation  
description: NT Kernel & System  
The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect, possibly the culprit is in another driver on your system which cannot be identified at this time.   

On Fri 17.9.2010 17:20:38 your computer crashed  
This was likely caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe  
Bugcheck code: 0x3B (0xC0000005, 0xFFFFF80001FBE1D2, 0xFFFFF8800A503F30, 0x0)  
Dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump1710-34710-01.dmp  
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe  
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
company: Microsoft Corporation  
description: NT Kernel & System  
The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect, possibly the culprit is in another driver on your system which cannot be identified at this time.   

On Wed 15.9.2010 14:24:48 your computer crashed  
This was likely caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe  
Bugcheck code: 0x3B (0xC0000005, 0xFFFFF80001F771D2, 0xFFFFF8800A9C5F20, 0x0)  
Dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump1510-53383-01.dmp  
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe  
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
company: Microsoft Corporation  
description: NT Kernel & System  
The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect, possibly the culprit is in another driver on your system which cannot be identified at this time.   

On Tue 14.9.2010 16:49:28 your computer crashed  
This was likely caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe  
Bugcheck code: 0x3B (0xC0000005, 0xFFFFF80001FB91D2, 0xFFFFF88008232F30, 0x0)  
Dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump1410-47720-01.dmp  
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe  
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
company: Microsoft Corporation  
description: NT Kernel & System  
The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect, possibly the culprit is in another driver on your system which cannot be identified at this time. 

On Tue 14.9.2010 16:45:20 your computer crashed  
This was likely caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe  
Bugcheck code: 0x1E (0xFFFFFFFFC0000005, 0xFFFFF80001F731D2, 0x0, 0x42)  
Dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump1410-28766-01.dmp  
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe  
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
company: Microsoft Corporation  
description: NT Kernel & System  
The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect, possibly the culprit is in another driver on your system which cannot be identified at this time. 
por 12.10.2010 / 14:27
