O Windows estava sincronizando com time.windows.com. O seguinte erro ocorreu: O serviço especificado foi marcado para exclusão. (0x80070430)


O Windows estava sincronizando com time.windows.com ou qualquer outra fonte de horário.

ao atualizá-lo, recebi o seguinte erro:

An error occurred while windows was synchronizing with time.windows.com This Operation returned because the timeout period expired.

e fazer alguma solução de problemas na internet, registrando e cancelando o registro, recebi o erro abaixo.

The following error occurred: The specified service has been marked for deletion. (0x80070430)

registros para referência

C:\windows\system32>w32tm /debug /disable
Sending disable private log command to local computer ...The command completed successfully.

C:\windows\system32>w32tm /unregister
W32Time successfully unregistered.

C:\windows\system32>w32tm /register
The following error occurred: The specified service has been marked for deletion. (0x80070430)

C:\windows\system32>w32tm /resync
Sending resync command to local computer
The computer did not resync because no time data was available.
por Vairam 20.08.2018 / 02:53

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