Existe uma maneira de executar um comando Bash do CMD?


Eu quero executar um comando no CMD para que ele seja executado no Bash.

Por exemplo, open bash.exe "cd .." e isso deve abrir o Bash, execute cd.. . (Estou ciente de que meu exemplo não funciona).

Quaisquer pensamentos e ideias?

por Gers Pardoel 29.07.2018 / 22:21

1 resposta


Eu quero executar um comando no CMD para que ele seja executado no Bash.

Use wsl.exe :

Run Linux tools from a Windows command line

Run Linux binaries from the Windows Command Prompt (CMD or PowerShell) using wsl.exe <command>.

Binaries invoked in this way:

  • Use the same working directory as the current CMD or PowerShell prompt.
  • Run as the WSL default user.
  • Have the same Windows administrative rights as the calling process and terminal.

For example:

C:\temp> wsl ls -la
<- contents of C:\temp ->

The Linux command following wsl.exe is handled like any command run in WSL. Things such as sudo, piping, and file redirection work.


If you're running Creators Update or Anniversary Update, jump to the Creators/Anniversary Update section.

Fonte Interoperabilidade do Windows com o Linux | Microsoft Docs

por 29.07.2018 / 22:30