Remove os pacotes gdal listados no apt-cache


Eu tenho uma instalação desfeita de gdal que está me impedindo de instalar o pacote sf R no meu ambiente conda padrão (consulte link ). Estou tentando remover todos os pacotes não-conda gdal , mas estou tendo dificuldades.

Já executei estes comandos:

sudo pip freeze | xargs pip uninstall -y  # To remove all pip packages.
sudo apt-get purge gdal-bin
sudo apt-get purge build-essential python-all-dev
sudo apt-get purge libgdal-dev
sudo apt-get purge libproj-dev
# Per
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

Ainda apt-cache search gdal ainda mostra isso:

dans-gdal-scripts - GDAL contributed tools by Geographic Information Network of Alaska
gdal-bin - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - Utility programs
libalgorithms1 - GDAL add-on tools to perform useful raster processing - libalgorithms
libfileclasses1 - GDAL add-on tools to perform useful raster processing - libfileClasses
libgdal-dev - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - Development files
libgdal-doc - Documentation for the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
libgdal-java - Java bindings to the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
libgdal-perl - Perl bindings to the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
libgdal1-1.11.3-grass - GRASS extension for the GDAL library
libgdal1-dev - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - Transitional package
libgdal1i - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
libimageclasses1 - GDAL add-on tools to perform useful raster processing - libimageClasses
liblasclasses1 - GDAL add-on tools to perform useful raster processing - liblasClasses
libosmium2-dev - C++ framework for working with OSM data files
node-srs - spatial reference library for Node.js
pktools - GDAL add-on tools to perform useful raster processing
pktools-dev - GDAL add-on tools to perform useful raster processing - development files
python-csvkit - library of utilities for working with CSV
python-gdal - Python bindings to the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
python-rasterio - Python 2 API for using geospatial raster data with Numpy
python-stetl - Streaming ETL - Geospatial ETL framework for Python 2
python3-csvkit - library of utilities for working with CSV (Python 3)
python3-gdal - Python 3 bindings to the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
python3-rasterio - Python 3 API for using geospatial raster data with Numpy
qlandkartegt - GPS mapping (GeoTiff and vector) and GPSr management
rasterio - Command line tool for investigating geospatial rasters
stetl - Streaming ETL - Commandline utility

Como posso remover todos os pacotes relacionados com apt-get gdal ?

por Max Ghenis 17.07.2018 / 06:28

0 respostas
