Instalando o Net :: LDAP no Strawberry Perl em execução no Windows 7


Eu estou tentando instalar o Net :: LDAP no Strawberry Perl 64-bit (v5.26.2) sem sucesso. A linha de comando 'cpanm' falha e aponta para um build.log. Parece que os arquivos não estão localizados onde são esperados, levando-me a pensar que algumas variáveis de ambiente do sistema estão ausentes ou não foram definidas para os diretórios corretos. Pesquisas subseqüentes para os arquivos 'perdidos' são bem sucedidas.

Eu também tentei usar a ferramenta CPAN dos programas All e uma instalação autônoma e eles falharam no PL2BAT.bat tentando copiar arquivos de diretórios desconhecidos.

Todas as ideias sobre como configurar a estrutura de diretórios para trabalhar ou variáveis do sistema serão bem-vindas.

Build.log do CPANM

cpanm (App::cpanminus) 1.7043 on perl 5.026002 built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread
Work directory is C:\Users\IBM_AD~1/.cpanm/work/1531317263.13328
You have make C:\Strawberry\c\bin\gmake.exe
You have LWP 6.33
Falling back to Archive::Tar 2.26
Searching install () on cpanmetadb ...
install is up to date. (0.01)
Searching Net::LDAP () on cpanmetadb ...
--> Working on Net::LDAP
-> OK
Unpacking perl-ldap-0.65.tar.gz
Entering perl-ldap-0.65
Checking configure dependencies from META.json
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.58 ... Yes (7.34)
Configuring perl-ldap-0.65
Running Makefile.PL
*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03
*** Checking for Perl dependencies...
*** Since we're running under CPAN, I'll just let it take care
    of the dependency's installation later.
[Core Features]
- Test::More        ...loaded. (1.302135)
- File::Basename    ...loaded. (2.85)
- File::Compare     ...loaded. (1.1006)
- File::Path        ...loaded. (2.15)
- IO::File          ...loaded. (1.16)
- Text::Soundex     ...loaded. (3.05)
- MIME::Base64      ...loaded. (3.15)
- Convert::ASN1     ...loaded. (0.27 >= 0.2)
[IPv6 support]
- IO::Socket::INET6 ...loaded. (2.72)
[LDAPS support]
- IO::Socket::SSL   ...loaded. (2.056 >= 1.26)
[SASL authentication]
- Authen::SASL      ...loaded. (2.16 >= 2.00)
- Digest::MD5       ...loaded. (2.55)
- Digest::HMAC_MD5  ...loaded. (1.01)
- GSSAPI            ...missing.
==> Auto-install the 1 optional module(s) from CPAN? [n] n
- URI::ldap         ...loaded. (1.73 >= 1.1)
[Time conversion functions]
- Time::Local       ...loaded. (1.25)
[Read/Write DSML files]
- XML::SAX::Writer  ...missing.
- XML::SAX::Base    ...loaded. (1.09)
==> Auto-install the 1 optional module(s) from CPAN? [n] n
[Extended URL support when reading LDIFs]
- LWP               ...loaded. (6.33)
[LWP support for the LDAP protocol family]
- LWP::Protocol     ...loaded. (6.33)
- LWP::MediaTypes   ...loaded. (6.02)
- HTTP::Negotiate   ...loaded. (6.01)
- HTTP::Response    ...loaded. (6.16)
- HTTP::Status      ...loaded. (6.16)
- JSON              ...loaded. (2.97001)
*** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Generating a gmake-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for Net::LDAP
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
-> OK
Checking dependencies from MYMETA.json ...
Checking if you have JSON 0 ... Yes (2.97001)
Checking if you have File::Basename 0 ... Yes (2.85)
Checking if you have Time::Local 0 ... Yes (1.25)
Checking if you have LWP 0 ... Yes (6.33)
Checking if you have LWP::Protocol 0 ... Yes (6.33)
Checking if you have Text::Soundex 0 ... Yes (3.05)
Checking if you have URI::ldap 1.1 ... Yes (1.73)
Checking if you have Authen::SASL 2.00 ... Yes (2.16)
Checking if you have File::Compare 0 ... Yes (1.1006)
Checking if you have Digest::MD5 0 ... Yes (2.55)
Checking if you have Convert::ASN1 0.2 ... Yes (0.27)
Checking if you have Digest::HMAC_MD5 0 ... Yes (1.01)
Checking if you have Test::More 0 ... Yes (1.302135)
Checking if you have HTTP::Negotiate 0 ... Yes (6.01)
Checking if you have IO::File 0 ... Yes (1.16)
Checking if you have XML::SAX::Base 0 ... Yes (1.09)
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0 ... Yes (7.34)
Checking if you have File::Path 0 ... Yes (2.15)
Checking if you have LWP::MediaTypes 0 ... Yes (6.02)
Checking if you have IO::Socket::INET6 0 ... Yes (2.72)
Checking if you have HTTP::Response 0 ... Yes (6.16)
Checking if you have MIME::Base64 0 ... Yes (3.15)
Checking if you have HTTP::Status 0 ... Yes (6.16)
Checking if you have IO::Socket::SSL 1.26 ... Yes (2.056)
Building and testing perl-ldap-0.65
cp lib/Bundle/Net/ blib\lib\Bundle\Net\
cp lib/LWP/Protocol/ blib\lib\LWP\Protocol\
cp lib/LWP/Protocol/ blib\lib\LWP\Protocol\
cp lib/Net/ blib\lib\Net\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/LWP/Protocol/ blib\lib\LWP\Protocol\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP.pod blib\lib\Net\LDAP.pod
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Entry.pod blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Entry.pod
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Examples.pod blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Examples.pod
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Extension/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Extension\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Extension/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Extension\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Extension/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Extension\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Control/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Control\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Extra/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Extra\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Intermediate/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Intermediate\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Extra/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Extra\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Filter.pod blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Filter.pod
cp lib/Net/LDAP/LDIF.pod blib\lib\Net\LDAP\LDIF.pod
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Extension/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Extension\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Reference.pod blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Reference.pod
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Schema.pod blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Schema.pod
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Message.pod blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Message.pod
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Security.pod blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Security.pod
cp lib/Net/LDAP/Search.pod blib\lib\Net\LDAP\Search.pod
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/FAQ.pod blib\lib\Net\LDAP\FAQ.pod
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/RFC.pod blib\lib\Net\LDAP\RFC.pod
cp lib/Net/ blib\lib\Net\
cp lib/Net/LDAP/ blib\lib\Net\LDAP\
cp lib/Net/ blib\lib\Net\
"C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'inc', 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/00ldif-entry.t t/01canon_dn.t t/02filter.t t/03schema.t t/04refloop.t t/05dsml.t t/06constant.t t/07filtermatch.t t/08time.t t/09ldif-http-url.t t/10ldif-controls.t t/40connect.t t/41populate.t t/42search.t t/43modify.t t/44schema.t t/45dse.t t/46ssl.t t/47ipc.t t/48url.t t/49lwp.t t/60cancel.t t/70sortctrl.t t/71preread.t t/72postread.t t/73assert.t t/74matchedvalues.t
Cannot detect source of 't/00ldif-entry.t'! at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/TAP/Parser/ line 256.
    TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory::detect_source(TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory=HASH(0x2e8ee58), TAP::Parser::Source=HASH(0x2e1f1a8)) called at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/TAP/Parser/ line 211
    TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory::make_iterator(TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory=HASH(0x2e8ee58), TAP::Parser::Source=HASH(0x2e1f1a8)) called at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/TAP/ line 472
    TAP::Parser::_initialize(TAP::Parser=HASH(0x2e1f7c8), HASH(0x2aa7130)) called at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/TAP/ line 55
    TAP::Object::new("TAP::Parser", HASH(0x2aa7130)) called at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/TAP/ line 130
    TAP::Object::_construct(TAP::Harness=HASH(0x2d49348), "TAP::Parser", HASH(0x2aa7130)) called at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/TAP/ line 852
    TAP::Harness::make_parser(TAP::Harness=HASH(0x2d49348), TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job=HASH(0x2e24680)) called at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/TAP/ line 651
    TAP::Harness::_aggregate_single(TAP::Harness=HASH(0x2d49348), TAP::Parser::Aggregator=HASH(0x2d471d0), TAP::Parser::Scheduler=HASH(0x2e1fb88)) called at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/TAP/ line 743
    TAP::Harness::aggregate_tests(TAP::Harness=HASH(0x2d49348), TAP::Parser::Aggregator=HASH(0x2d471d0), "t/00ldif-entry.t", "t/01canon_dn.t", "t/02filter.t", "t/03schema.t", "t/04refloop.t", "t/05dsml.t", ...) called at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/Test/ line 136
    Test::Harness::_aggregate_tests(TAP::Harness=HASH(0x2d49348), TAP::Parser::Aggregator=HASH(0x2d471d0), "t/00ldif-entry.t", "t/01canon_dn.t", "t/02filter.t", "t/03schema.t", "t/04refloop.t", "t/05dsml.t", ...) called at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/Test/ line 118
    Test::Harness::_aggregate(TAP::Harness=HASH(0x2d49348), TAP::Parser::Aggregator=HASH(0x2d471d0), "t/00ldif-entry.t", "t/01canon_dn.t", "t/02filter.t", "t/03schema.t", "t/04refloop.t", "t/05dsml.t", ...) called at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/Test/ line 151
    Test::Harness::runtests("t/00ldif-entry.t", "t/01canon_dn.t", "t/02filter.t", "t/03schema.t", "t/04refloop.t", "t/05dsml.t", "t/06constant.t", "t/07filtermatch.t", ...) called at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/ExtUtils/Command/ line 72
    ExtUtils::Command::MM::test_harness(0, "inc", "blib\lib", "blib\arch") called at -e line 1
gmake: *** [Makefile:844: test_dynamic] Error 2
-> FAIL Installing Net::LDAP failed. See C:\Users\IBM_AD~1\.cpanm\work31317263.13328\build.log for details. Retry with --force to force install it.

O Strawberry Perl foi uma instalação fácil, nada foi corrigido. Se a instalação funcionou para você, então deve ser algo que eu personalizei no Windows. Examinarei o Registro para ver se algo está definido incorretamente.

Problema resolvido removendo minhas adições ao PATH e usando o Force para instalar.

por Nigel Yell 11.07.2018 / 21:34

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