Remover aplicativos Windows Connect e Windows Mixed Reality Portal


Eu estava prestes a remover Microsoft.PPIProjection e Microsoft.Windows.HolographicFirstRun .

Executando os comandos apropriados no PowerShell:

Remove-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CFA, Removal failed. Please contact your software vendor. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80073CFA)
NOTE: For additional information, look for [ActivityId] b83099bb-00f1-0002-ee1a-31b8f100d401 in the Event Log or use th
e command line Get-AppxLog -ActivityID b83099bb-00f1-0002-ee1a-31b8f100d401
At line:1 char:1
+ Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.Windows.HolographicFirstRun
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : WriteError: (*holo*:String) [Remove-AppxPackage], IOException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.RemoveAppxPackageCommand

**Running Get-AppxLog -ActivityID b83099bb-00f1-0002-ee1a-31b8f100d401 I got:**

Time                      ID           Message
----                      --           -------
10.06.2018 22:46:14       603          Started deployment Remove operation on a package with main parameter: Windows.HolographicFirstRun and
                                        Options: 0 and 0. See for help di
                                       agnosing app deployment issues.

Especificamente, se tentar especificar o nome completo do Windows Connect, obtenho:

Remove-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CFA, Removal failed. Please contact your software vendor. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80073CFA)

error 0x80070032: AppX Deployment Remove operation on package Microsoft.PPIProjection_10.0.17134.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n
1h2txyewy from: C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.PPIProjection_cw5n1h2txyewy failed. This app is part of Windows and can
not be uninstalled on a per-user basis. An administrator can attempt to remove the app from the computer using Turn Win
dows Features on or off. However, it may not be possible to uninstall the app.
NOTE: For additional information, look for [ActivityId] b83099bb-00f1-0002-2f1e-31b8f100d401 in the Event Log or use th
e command line Get-AppxLog -ActivityID b83099bb-00f1-0002-2f1e-31b8f100d401
At line:1 char:1
+ remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.PPIProjection_10.0.17134.1_neutral_neutr ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : WriteError: (Microsoft.PPIPr...l_cw5n1h2txyewy:String) [Remove-AppxPackage], IOException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.RemoveAppxPackageCommand

Também quero remover o navegador de realidade híbrida.

por Ucho 11.06.2018 / 00:20

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