Todos os torrents pararam de funcionar, log sugere erros de rede


Eu uso o Ktorrent no Ubuntu.

Comecei hoje e meus torrents incompletos estão todos parados. Nenhuma ação sensata dentro do aplicativo pode iniciá-las. Nenhum par. Isto é para vários torrents de diversas fontes.

O arquivo ~/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/log contém uma carga de coisas como esta

Thu Feb 8 23:31:55 2018: Bound to
Thu Feb 8 23:31:55 2018: Cannot bind to port FE80::37EF:C120:197:254E%wlan0:6881 : Invalid argument
Thu Feb 8 23:31:55 2018: Bound to TCP port 6881
Thu Feb 8 23:31:55 2018: Cannot open /home/guest/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/groups : No such file or directory
Thu Feb 8 23:31:55 2018: Bound to
Thu Feb 8 23:31:55 2018: Cannot bind to port FE80::37EF:C120:197:254E%wlan0:8881 : Invalid argument
Thu Feb 8 23:31:55 2018: Doing tracker request to url : udp://
Thu Feb 8 23:31:55 2018: Initiating connection to via (TCP)
Thu Feb 8 23:31:55 2018: Initiating connection to via (TCP)
Thu Feb 8 23:31:55 2018: Initiating connection to via (TCP)
Thu Feb 8 23:31:56 2018: Authentication to : failure
Thu Feb 8 23:31:56 2018: Authentication to : ok
Thu Feb 8 23:31:56 2018: Starting socketmonitor threads
Thu Feb 8 23:31:56 2018: Authentication to : failure
Thu Feb 8 23:31:56 2018: Authentication to : ok
Thu Feb 8 23:31:56 2018: Authentication to : ok
Thu Feb 8 23:31:56 2018: Received request for metadata piece 0
Thu Feb 8 23:32:00 2018: PEX: found 1 peers
Thu Feb 8 23:32:00 2018: Initiating connection to via (TCP)
Thu Feb 8 23:32:00 2018: Timeout occurred
Thu Feb 8 23:32:00 2018: Authentication to : failure
Thu Feb 8 23:32:00 2018: Timeout occurred
Thu Feb 8 23:32:00 2018: Authentication to : failure
Thu Feb 8 23:32:00 2018: Timeout occurred
Thu Feb 8 23:32:00 2018: Authentication to : failure
Thu Feb 8 23:32:00 2018: Timeout occurred
Thu Feb 8 23:32:00 2018: Authentication to : failure
Thu Feb 8 23:32:05 2018: Timeout occurred
Thu Feb 8 23:32:05 2018: Authentication to : failure
Thu Feb 8 23:32:08 2018: PEX: found 2 peers
Thu Feb 8 23:32:08 2018: Initiating connection to via (TCP)
Thu Feb 8 23:32:09 2018: PEX: found 2 peers
Thu Feb 8 23:32:09 2018: Initiating connection to via (TCP)
Thu Feb 8 23:32:13 2018: Timeout occurred
Thu Feb 8 23:32:13 2018: Authentication to : failure
Thu Feb 8 23:32:14 2018: Timeout occurred
Thu Feb 8 23:32:14 2018: Authentication to : failure
Thu Feb 8 23:32:55 2018: UDPTracker::error : Timeout contacting tracker udp://
Thu Feb 8 23:32:55 2018: UDPTracker::error : Timeout contacting tracker udp://
Thu Feb 8 23:32:55 2018: UDPTracker::error : Timeout contacting tracker udp://
(... and so on for a load of other trackers on different hosts)
Thu Feb 8 23:32:57 2018: Received request for metadata piece 0
Thu Feb 8 23:33:58 2018: Received request for metadata piece 0
Thu Feb 8 23:34:01 2018: PEX: found 0 peers
Thu Feb 8 23:34:59 2018: Received request for metadata piece 0
Thu Feb 8 23:36:00 2018: Received request for metadata piece 0
Thu Feb 8 23:37:01 2018: PEX: found 0 peers
Thu Feb 8 23:37:01 2018: Received request for metadata piece 0
Thu Feb 8 23:38:02 2018: PEX: found 0 peers
Thu Feb 8 23:38:02 2018: Received request for metadata piece 0
Thu Feb 8 23:39:03 2018: Received request for metadata piece 0
Thu Feb 8 23:40:02 2018: PEX: found 0 peers

Isso tem dicas de algum tipo de problema de bootstrapping ou descoberta de pares, mas eu não sei sobre os detalhes.

Alguma ideia do que está acontecendo?

por spraff 09.02.2018 / 00:42

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