Como desativar o download no Google Chrome?
Prevent users from downloading files
Supported on Chrome 61 and later.
As an administrator, you can specify whether users can download files from the Internet using Google Chrome. For example, you might want to let users download files but block any that are dangerous, such as malware. If users try to download dangerous files, Google Safe Browsing shows them a security warning that they can’t bypass.
Apply policy to users
To apply restrictions to downloads, configure the DownloadRestrictions policy.
You can restrict downloads that are triggered on webpages when users click a download link on the page, or right-click a file and choose Save link as....
Restrictions don’t apply when users save the currently displayed webpage. To save a webpage, users can:
- Click File and then Save Page as…, or
- Click Print and choose Save as PDF for the destination.
Download restriction options
You can specify the type of downloads that Google Chrome will block, depending on how secure they are.
- 0 (No special restrictions) — Downloads go through the usual security restrictions based on Safe Browsing analysis results.
- 1 (Block dangerous downloads) — Downloads are allowed, except for those that carry Safe Browsing warnings.
- 2 (Block potentially dangerous downloads) — Downloads are allowed, except for those that carry Safe Browsing warnings of potentially dangerous downloads.
- 3 (Block all downloads) — All downloads are blocked.
Fonte Impedir que os usuários façam download de arquivos - Ajuda do Chrome for enterprise
Allow download restrictions
Data type:
Integer [Windows:REG_DWORD]
Windows registry location for Windows clients:
Windows registry location for Google Chrome OS clients:
Mac/Linux preference name:
Supported on:
- Google Chrome (Linux, Mac, Windows) since version 61
- Google Chrome OS (Google Chrome OS) since version 61
Supported features:
Can Be Recommended: Yes, Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes, Per Profile: Yes
Configures the type of downloads that Google Chrome will completely block, without letting users override the security decision.
If you set this policy, Google Chrome will prevent certain types of downloads, and won't let user bypass the security warnings.
When the 'Block dangerous downloads' option is chosen, all downloads are allowed, except for those that carry SafeBrowsing warnings.
When the 'Block potentially dangerous downloads' option is chosen, all downloads allowed, except for those that carry SafeBrowsing warnings of potentially dangerous downloads.
When the 'Block all downloads' option is chosen, all downloads are blocked.
When this policy is not set, (or the 'No special restrictions' option is chosen), the downloads will go through the usual security restrictions based on SafeBrowsing analysis results.
Note that these restrictions apply to downloads triggered from web page content, as well as the 'download link...' context menu option. These restrictions do not apply to the save / download of the currently displayed page, nor does it apply to saving as PDF from the printing options.
See for more info on SafeBrowsing.
0 = No special restrictions
- 1 = Block dangerous downloads
- 2 = Block potentially dangerous downloads
- 3 = Block all downloads
Example value:
0x00000002 (Windows), 2 (Linux), 2 (Mac)