TextMate restaurar última sessão / lembre-se de abrir arquivos


Como faço para configurar o editor de texto TextMate para lembrar e abrir abas que foram abertas quando o TextMate foi executado anteriormente?

por Prasad Parab 27.12.2017 / 08:22

1 resposta


Como configuro o textMate para lembrar e reabrir as guias quando ele é reiniciado?

Use um projeto:

Working With Multiple Files

2.1 Creating Projects (With Tabs)

In the current version of TextMate (1.5) file tabs are only supported when a project is created. Fortunately it is easy to create a project, namely by selecting File → New Project (⌃⌘N).

This opens a window which looks like the one below.

Project Window

It is possible to add files either by dragging them to the (project) drawer, or use the “Add Existing Files…” action in the project drawers action menu (the one with the gear icon).

Another way to create a project is by dragging files directly onto the TextMate application icon (shown e.g. in the dock). This is a shortcut for creating a new project consisting of these files.

One minor detail is that when creating a project this way, you will not be asked if you want to save the project, when it is closed.

The advantage of saving a project is to maintain state (e.g. which files were open) and to be able to quickly re-open a particular set of files. If you leave a (saved) project open when you quit TextMate, it will automatically re-open that project the next time you launch TextMate.

Fonte Criando projetos (com guias)

por 27.12.2017 / 10:10
