erro ao analisar ssd em 2 unidades de 120gb


Estou tentando dividir meu ssd em 2 unidade de 120gb, no entanto estou tendo o seguinte erro:

error: apfs_root: btn: invalid o_oid (0x404)
    fsroot tree is invalid

Eu só tenho esse ssd no meu mac e quero usar o bootcamp. Como eu resolvo isso?

    Last login: Mon Jan 29 17:47:59 on ttys000
    Hugo-Borges:~ hugoborges$ diskutil list
    /dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *240.1 GB   disk0
       1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
       2:                 Apple_APFS Container disk1         239.8 GB   disk0s2

    /dev/disk1 (synthesized):
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      APFS Container Scheme -                      +239.8 GB   disk1
                                     Physical Store disk0s2
       1:                APFS Volume Mac OS                  105.3 GB   disk1s1
       2:                APFS Volume Preboot                 21.9 MB    disk1s2
       3:                APFS Volume Recovery                509.8 MB   disk1s3
       4:                APFS Volume VM                      1.1 GB     disk1s4

    Hugo-Borges:~ hugoborges$ sudo diskutil apfs resizeContainer disk0s2 120g jhfs+ Extra 120g
    Started APFS operation
    Resizing APFS Container designated by APFS Container Reference disk1
    Verifying storage system
    Using live mode
    Performing fsck_apfs -n -x -l /dev/disk0s2
    Checking volume
    Checking the container superblock
    Checking the EFI jumpstart record
    Checking the space manager
    Checking the object map
    Checking the APFS volume superblock
    Checking the object map
    Checking the fsroot tree
    error: apfs_root: btn: invalid o_oid (0x404)
    fsroot tree is invalid
    The volume /dev/disk0s2 could not be verified completely
    Storage system check exit code is 0
    Shrinking APFS Physical Store disk0s2 from 239.847.653.376 to bytes
    Shrinking APFS data structures
    APFS Container Resize error code is 49244
    Error: -69606: A problem occurred while resizing APFS Container structures
    Hugo-Borges:~ hugoborges$
por Hugo Borges 29.01.2018 / 21:12

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