Como posso listar os grupos de chaves do GPG?


Digamos que eu tenha configurado ou definido um grupo de chaves ou vários grupos de chaves. Como faço para listar esses grupos? Como posso determinar quais chaves são membros desses grupos?

por Kenny Evitt 25.09.2017 / 17:31

1 resposta


gpg --with-colons --list-config group

Em Usando o GNU Privacy Guard: Opções esotéricas de GPG :


Display various internal configuration parameters of GnuPG. This option is intended for external programs that call GnuPG to perform tasks, and is thus not generally useful. See the file doc/DETAILS in the source distribution for the details of which configuration items may be listed. --list-config is only usable with --with-colons set.

Do arquivo doc/DETAILS em a origem do GPG 1.4.22 :

Format of the "--list-config" output

--list-config outputs information about the GnuPG configuration for
the benefit of frontends or other programs that call GnuPG.  There are
several list-config items, all colon delimited like the rest of the
--with-colons output.  The first field is always "cfg" to indicate
configuration information.  The second field is one of (with


group: the third field contains the name of the group, and the fourth
       field contains the values that the group expands to, separated
       by semicolons.

For example, a group of:
   group mynames = paige 0x12345678 joe patti

would result in:
por 25.09.2017 / 17:31
