Bash no console do KDE mostra informações erradas


No Konsole do Slackware 14.2, o bash mostra o bash-4.3 $. Eu tentei mudar isso, mas sem efeito. Como alterá-lo permanentemente como usuário @ hostname $ e root, root @ hostname #?

por user167294 27.08.2017 / 11:09

1 resposta


Sua pergunta já foi respondida aqui .

This is changed by changing the environment variable PS1.

You can see the current value of PS1 by:

root@monu dev# echo $PS1

You can see the value to be equal to \u@\h \w\$, where:

  • \u : username
  • \h : hostname
  • \w : current working directory
  • \$ : a # symbol for the root user, a $ symbol for other users

If you want the change to be permanent, you have to add the script changing the value of PS1 in ~/.bashrc, since that it gets executed every time a user logs in.

por 27.08.2017 / 13:25
