O computador Debian não ativa o monitor


Eu tenho um sistema Debian que deixo sem supervisão por longos períodos. Recentemente eu liguei um vídeo HDMI e ele não ativou a tela. Tenho certeza que pelas luzes que o sistema estava funcionando, é porque ele não estava ativando a placa de vídeo. Eu tentei desconectar e voltar a ligá-lo, sem sorte. Acabei desligando a máquina, o que não é bom.

O Debian tem a seguinte nota:

Fixing corrupted video on resume

A very common issue found after the computer resumes is corrupted video (or black screen, or no LCD backlight). The first step is to check whether the system is still running, which can be simply done by pressing the Capslock button and check whether the Capslock LED is changing accordingly. If the system is still running, in most cases we need to add a video quirk for your video card.

Debian now has kernel mode setting (KMS) enabled by default for most Intel, nVidia and ATI video cards. But pm-utils' video quirk does support KMS yet. So in most cases you should try disabling KMS first. The detail steps for your specific video card can be found on the KernelModesetting page.

After disabled KMS, if the video after resume still corrupts, you can try to suspend the system by using some video quirks. Read the manpage of the pm-suspend program for a very detail explanation of all the quirks available, and try the combinations of them from commandline. If you successfully find one combination of quirks that works for your system, you can add them into /usr/lib/pm-utils/video-quirks to make them permanent. At the same time, please help to file a bug against the pm-utils package with a patch about your changes so it can benefit the mass.

A common issue found on systems upgrading from old versions of Debian is the enabling of quirk-s3-bios freezes the system during suspend. If your system freezes during suspend, check the pm-suspend.log carefully after enabled debugging and make sure quirk-s3-bios is not used.

Eu realmente não entendo como evitar o problema no futuro.

Como posso evitar esse problema?

por Tyler Durden 03.08.2017 / 07:59

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