Janela GUI para o OpenSUSE


Conforme a pergunta " Lançamento Programas GUI do serviço em segundo plano no Linux " Eu salvei um.desktop com o conteúdo abaixo:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Foo Viewer
Comment= The best viewer !
TryExec=fooview %F

{Desktop Action Inverse]
Exec=fooview --inverse %f
Name=Foo Viewer (inverse image)

[Desktop Action Edit]
Exec=fooview --edit %f
Name=Foo Viewer (edit image)

e tentou executar meu script: systemctl start serviceName.service Mas isso me dá status abaixo:

linux-y78i:~/Desktop/Test # systemctl status RDPAutoStart.service -l
RDPAutoStart.service - RDPAutoRestart
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/RDPAutoStart.service; disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2016-06-14 19:17:20 IST; 18s ago
 Main PID: 1728 (java)
   CGroup: /system.slice/RDPAutoStart.service
           └─1728 /usr/bin/java -jar /root/Desktop/Test/Test.jar

Jun 14 19:17:21 linux-y78i.site java[1728]: Started
Jun 14 19:17:21 linux-y78i.site java[1728]: Current PortID :: gnu.io.CommPortIdentifier@7b98a1f4
Jun 14 19:17:30 linux-y78i.site java[1728]: AC06927#1
Jun 14 19:17:31 linux-y78i.site java[1728]: Connection String::jdbc:sqlserver://xxx.xx.xx.116\cmsserver2012;databaseName = xxxxxxxxxx;user=xxxx;password=xxxxxxxxx
Jun 14 19:17:32 linux-y78i.site java[1728]: connection created
Jun 14 19:17:32 linux-y78i.site java[1728]: File already exist
Jun 14 19:17:32 linux-y78i.site java[1728]: Employee is : AC06927 ALPA A PATEL   SQLServerBlob:1
Jun 14 19:17:32 linux-y78i.site java[1728]: Entering to Web
Jun 14 19:17:32 linux-y78i.site java[1728]: Setting to Headless Mode::false
Jun 14 19:17:32 linux-y78i.site java[1728]: No protocol specified

em que minha preocupação é ter a Janela da GUI, mas ela mostra Nenhum erro especificado pelo protocolo

Onde preciso mudar para ter a janela da GUI através do serviço?

por user744875 04.07.2017 / 11:00

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