O Adobe Premiere Pro não reconhece a GPU


Estou usando como GPU a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 e instalei o software NVIDIA CUDA no site oficial da NVIDIA. Quando abro um projeto, sempre seleciono (CUDA) para o ambiente de renderização, mas quando estou iniciando a renderização, minha GPU não inicia, o uso da GPU e as temperaturas permanecem as mesmas, e o Adobe Premiere Pro começa a usar a CPU .

Como posso resolver isso? Existe uma maneira de controlar se o Premiere Pro usa a GPU?

por Alex 11.05.2017 / 11:12

1 resposta


Existe um programa chamado Cuda.zip que irá desbloquear a placa gráfica NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 automaticamente no Adobe Premiere. O Cuda.zip pode ser baixado em Como desbloquear seu cartão NVIDIA para o Premiere CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5 e CS5 para usuários do Windows .

O arquivo Cuda.zip contém os três arquivos a seguir.

  • cuda.bat
  • Cuda Install Instructions.txt
  • cuda_supported_cards.txt

As seguintes instruções foram copiadas do Cuda Install Instructions.txt

Instruções do programa

  1. Follow these steps exactly. Remember Adobe Premiere must be installed on the C: drive.

  2. Download the Cuda.zip file and save it to the C: drive on your computer.

  3. When you download the program, please pay attention to where you are saving it to. You MUST save the program to your C: hard drive.

  4. Find the program on your hard drive and unzip it. Windows users, just right-click on the Cuda.zip file and select "Extract All" to unzip it OR use whatever other program you have for unzipping files.

    Make Sure You exit From Adobe Premiere BEFORE Running the Program, or else it will not work.

  5. There is a Cuda Install Instruction file with the cuda.bat file. MAKE SURE YOUR READ IT. Right-click on the cuda.bat file and select Run as Administrator. (This is the most important step.)

  6. The program program brings up a menu giving you options for different programs.

    Make your selection. Then you will get a message that says "The CUDA Supported Card file has been updated." That's it. Simple wasn't it? But, you're not done yet.

  7. Now startup After Premiere and open or create a project.

  8. Then at the top of the screen select Project, then select Project Settings and select General.

  9. Look under Rendering and Playback in the window, it will say: Renderer: Mercury Playback Engine GPU Hardware If it says -- Renderer: Mercury Playback Engine Software Only simply change it for Mercury Playback Engine GPU Hardware and you are done.

por 11.05.2017 / 12:10