Execute gpedit.msc
, vá para Computer Configuration
- > Administrative Templates
- > Control Panel
e ative Settings Page Visibility
e adicione aqui as entradas que você deseja ocultar ou mostrar apenas:
Thispolicyhastwomodes:itcaneitherspecifyalistofsettingspagestoshoworalistofpagestohide.Tospecifyalistofpagestoshow,thepolicystringmustbeginwith"showonly:" (without quotes), and to specify a list of pages to hide, it must begin with "hide:". If a page in a showonly list would normally be hidden for other reasons (such as a missing hardware device), this policy will not force that page to appear. After this, the policy string must contain a semicolon-delimited list of settings page identifiers. The identifier for any given settings page is the published URI for that page, minus the "ms-settings:" protocol part.
Example: to specify that only the About and Bluetooth pages should be shown (their respective URIs are ms-settings:about and ms-settings:bluetooth) and all other pages hidden:
Example: to specify that only the Bluetooth page (which has URI ms-settings:bluetooth) should be hidden:
Portanto, insira hide: TABNAME, o qual você deseja ocultar. Aqui está uma lista de todas as páginas:
- sobre
- ativação
- appsfeatures
- appsforwebsites
- backup
- batterysaver
- bluetooth
- cores
- cortana
- datausage
- dateandtime
- defaultapps
- desenvolvedores
- criptografia do dispositivo
- exibir
- emailandaccounts
- extras
- findmydevice
- lockscreen
- mapas
- rede-ethernet
- network-mobilehotspot
- proxy de rede
- rede-vpn
- network-directaccess
- rede-wifi
- notificações
- opcionalfeatures
- powersleep
- impressoras
- privacidade
- personalização
- recuperação
- regionlanguage
- storagesense
- tabletmode
- barra de tarefas
- temas
- solucionar problemas
- digitando
- usb
- windowsdefender
- windowsinsider
- windowsupdate
- yourinfo