pode ser configurado para fazer muitas coisas com arquivos de log:
trusty (8) logwatch.8.gz
Provided by: logwatch_7.4.0+svn20130529rev144-1ubuntu1_all
logwatch - system log analyzer and reporter
logwatch [--detail level ] [--logfile log-file-group ] [--service
service-name ] [--mailto address ] [--archives] [--range range ]
[--debug level ] [--filename file-name ] [--logdir directory ]
[--hostlimit hosts ] [--hostname hostname ] [--html_wrap number of
characters ] [--hostformat host based options ] [--output output-type ]
[--format report format ] [--encode encoding to use ] [--numeric]
[--version] [--help|--usage]
Logwatch is a customizable, pluggable log-monitoring system. It will
go through your logs for a given period of time and make a report in
the areas that you wish with the detail that you wish. Logwatch is
being used for Linux and many types of UNIX.