Protocolo Negociação falhou no Teamviewer 11


Estou recebendo o erro de falha na negociação do protocolo quando tento conectar-me ao meu computador doméstico.

Isto é o que meu arquivo de registro registra durante um esforço de conexão.

2016/08/15 05:36:15.719 13172 18116 G3   Trying connection to 399XXXXXX, mode = 1
2016/08/15 05:36:15.719 13172  8772 G3   CLogin::run()
2016/08/15 05:36:15.719 17916 15920 S0   Activating Router carrier
2016/08/15 05:36:15.719 17916 15920 S0   CProcessCommandHandlerMasterConnect[11]::CreateMasterConnect(): XXX 
2016/08/15 05:36:15.797 17916  3716 S0   CProcessCommandHandlerMasterConnect[11]::HandleMasterConnect(): XXX
2016/08/15 05:36:15.907 17916  3716 S0   CProcessCommandHandlerMasterConnect[11]::ReceivedMasterResponse(): XXX
2016/08/15 05:36:15.907 17916  3716 S0!  TcpCarrierBase[11]::SendCompleteQueue(): No Connections, Type_Tcp, Dir_Outgoing, Ending 0, SendQueue 1, CurrentSendQueue 0, SendCache 0
2016/08/15 05:36:15.907 17916  3716 S0   Activating Router carrier
2016/08/15 05:36:15.907 17916  3716 S0   CommandHandlerRouting[12]::CreateActiveSession(): outgoing session to 399XXXXXX via, protocol Tcp
2016/08/15 05:36:15.907 17916  3716 S0   Carrier[11]::EndCarrierInternal(): ClientID: 0 SupportsEndSession: 0, SupportsCCmd2: 0, SessionType_MasterConnect, SendQueue: 0 (4 Bytes), CurrentSendQueue: 0 (0 Bytes), SendCache: 0 (0 Bytes)
2016/08/15 05:36:15.988 13172  8772 G3   CLoginClient::NegotiateVersionClient()
2016/08/15 05:36:16.262 17916 17504 S0   Negotiating session encryption: client hello sent to 399XXXXXX, RSA key length = 2048
2016/08/15 05:36:16.262 17916 17504 S0   UDP: send handshake: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:16.496 17916 17504 S0   Negotiating session encryption: server hello received
2016/08/15 05:36:16.527 17916 17504 S0   Negotiating session encryption: client handshake sent
2016/08/15 05:36:16.887 17916 13124 S0   Negotiating session encryption: server handshake received, encryption established with AES key length 256
2016/08/15 05:36:17.012 17916 15920 S0   UDP: ProcessHandshake2: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.012 17916 15920 S0   Initializing transmission control v2
2016/08/15 05:36:17.012 17916 15920 S0   UDP: sending master pings ...: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.090 17916 17504 S0   UDP: connectivity: a=85.XXX.XXX.XXX p=62289: (*)  
2016/08/15 05:36:17.090 17916 17504 S0   UDP: punching: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.090 17916 17504 S0   UDP: PingOK.RequestUDP: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.090 17916 17504 S0   UDP: send UDPFLOW_REQUESTUDP: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.598 17916 13124 S0   UDP: SendUDPPunches: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.661 17916 17504 S0!! UDP: receive failed e=10061: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.770 17916 15920 S0   UDP: punch received a=62.XXX.XXX.XXX:53251: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.770 17916 15920 S0   UDP: send UDPFLOW_PUNCHRECEIVED: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.770 17916 15920 S0   UDP: SendUDPPunches: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.770 17916 15920 S0   UDP: received punch: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.817 17916 17504 S0   UDP: punch ignored a=62.XXX.XXX.XXX:53251: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.817 17916 17504 S0   UDP: send UDPFLOW_PUNCHRECEIVED: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.864 17916 17504 S0   UDP: SendUDPPunches: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.895 17916 17504 S0   UDP: send UDPFLOW_MTUTESTRECEIVED (size = 448): (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.895 17916 13124 S0   UDP: send UDPFLOW_MTUTESTRECEIVED (size = 1008): (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.926 17916 17504 S0   UDP: send UDPFLOW_MTUTESTRECEIVED (size = 448): (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:17.942 17916 13124 S0   UDP: send UDPFLOW_MTUTESTRECEIVED (size = 1008): (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:18.246 17916 15920 S0   UDP: UDP receive possible: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:18.246 17916 15920 S0   UDP: send UDPFLOW_UDP_PREPARE_SWITCHTOUDP: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:18.246 17916 15920 S0   UDP: send/receive possible: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:18.246 17916 15920 S0   UDP: create udp connection was successful: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:18.371 17916 15920 S0   UDP: delegate received datagram: (*)
2016/08/15 05:36:18.449 17916 15920 S0   CarrierContainer.ProcessCarrierSwitch: state=1, carrier=2
2016/08/15 05:36:18.449 17916 15920 S0   Activating UDP carrier ...
2016/08/15 05:36:18.449 17916 15920 S0   CarrierContainer.SendCarrierSwitch: state=2, carrier=2
2016/08/15 05:36:20.768 17916 17504 S0   Estimated RTT to Router: 84 ms, Reliability: 2, Carrier: 1
2016/08/15 05:36:23.288 17916 13124 S0   Estimated RTT to 399XXXXXX: 37 ms, Reliability: 2, Carrier: 2
2016/08/15 05:36:27.795 17916  3716 S0   Estimated Bandwidth Capacity to Router: 851 kbit/s, Reliability: 2, Carrier: 1
2016/08/15 05:36:30.294 17916 15920 S0   Estimated Bandwidth Capacity to 399XXXXXX: 864 kbit/s, Reliability: 2, Carrier: 2
2016/08/15 05:36:50.565 17916  3716 S0   CarrierContainer.SendCarrierSwitch: state=2, carrier=1
2016/08/15 05:36:50.565 17916 17504 S0!  UdpConnection[15]: UDP statistics: nb=23 
2016/08/15 05:36:50.565 17916  3716 S0   UdpCarrierDeactivationState::DiscloseStateToCarrier: empty send buffer is not flushed
2016/08/15 05:36:50.565 17916  3716 S0   Activating Router carrier
2016/08/15 05:36:50.766 17916  3716 S0   IProcessCommandHandler[12]::CmdEndSession(): Received CMD_ENDSESSION with reason: 12
2016/08/15 05:36:50.853 17916  3716 S0   CGatewaySession[12]::EndSession(): Session to 399XXXXXX ended. Estimated capacity=864kBit/s, Latency=37ms
2016/08/15 05:36:50.852 13172  8772 G3!! CLoginClient::NegotiateVersionClient socket was closed while reading
2016/08/15 05:36:50.853 13172  8772 G3   CLogin::run() leave
2016/08/15 05:36:50.853 17916  3716 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=37
2016/08/15 05:36:50.854 17916  3716 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=91
2016/08/15 05:44:22.383 16048 13596 H32  explorer.exe: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x3450000, refcnt = 1)
2016/08/15 05:44:22.792 18580  7664 H64  explorer.exe: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x860000, refcnt = 1)

Além disso, meu computador doméstico é exibido on-line 24 horas por dia, sete dias por semana.

Eu nunca tive problemas com o TeamViewer em meu computador de casa. Eu tenho usado o TeamViewer por uma semana sem problemas até o momento ...

Estou longe de casa, por isso, ter alguém fisicamente indo e fazer qualquer coisa no meu computador é extremamente difícil.

O Teamviewer no meu laptop parece funcionar bem. Eu posso conectar a um terceiro computador sem problemas. Eu tentei desativar o UDP, sem sorte. Também desinstalar / reinstalar, mesmo usando uma versão anterior, não fez nada.

Alguma idéia?

por marksf 15.08.2016 / 10:51

0 respostas
