Você está colocando seu computador no modo de suspensão híbrida e não o desligando.
Para desligar seu computador rapidamente, siga o procedimento mencionado por Keltari.
Para executar um desligamento completo, digite Windows Key + R para abrir o comando de execução e digite
shutdown /s /t 0
Realizar o desligamento completo toda vez que não for recomendado para computadores com inicialização única no Windows 10, no entanto, se você quiser fazer isso a partir do menu Iniciar, desativar inicialização rápida .
Para entender o sono híbrido, leia abaixo.
Sleep Mode
Sleep mode is a power-saving state that is similar to pausing a DVD
movie. All actions on the computer are stopped and any open documents
and applications are put in memory. You can quickly resume normal,
full-power operation within a few seconds. Sleep mode is basically the
same thing as “Standby” mode.
The Sleep mode is useful if you want to stop working for a short
period of time. The computer doesn’t use much power in Sleep mode.
The Hibernate mode saves your open documents and running applications
to your hard disk and shuts down the computer, which means once your
computer is in Hibernate mode, it uses zero power. Once the computer
is powered back on, it will resume everything where you left off.
Use this mode if you won’t be using the laptop for an extended period
of time, and you don’t want to close your documents.
Hybrid Sleep
The Hybrid Sleep mode is a combination of the Sleep and Hibernate
modes meant for desktop computers. It puts any open documents and
applications both in memory and on your hard disk, and then puts your
computer into a low-power state, allowing you to quickly wake the
computer and resume your work. The Hybrid Sleep mode is enabled by
default in Windows on desktop computers and disabled on laptops. When
enabled, it automatically puts your computer into Hybrid Sleep mode
when you put it into Sleep mode.
Hybrid Sleep mode is useful for desktop computers in case of a power
outage. When power resumes, Windows can restore your work from the
hard disk, if the memory is not accessible.
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