Synology NAS: indo de 3856 contagem de setores inválidos para 0


Recebi meu relatório mensal de integridade de disco assim:

Dear user,

The following is your monthly report regarding the health of disks on
DiskStation. You can also check the health of individual disks at
Storage Manager > HDD/SSD > Health Info.

Disk 1:
        Disk Reconnection Count 2
        Bad Sector Count 3856
        Disk Re-identification Count 0

Disk 2:
        Disk Reconnection Count 0
        Bad Sector Count 0
        Disk Re-identification Count 0

Sincerely, Synology DiskStation

Desde então, fiz um cronograma de tarefas toda semana.

Agora eu recebo:

Disk 1:
        Disk Reconnection Count 0
        Bad Sector Count 0
        Disk Re-identification Count 0

Disk 2:
        Disk Reconnection Count 0
        Bad Sector Count 0
        Disk Re-identification Count 0

Como isso é possível?

por Olivier Pons 11.07.2016 / 12:39

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