Normalmente, quando você instala o driver e / ou o software, ele fornece um arquivo .exe no qual você pode fazer essas alterações.
Instale o software, abra-o e veja se ele fornece alguma coisa. Caso contrário, vá ao Painel de Controle e abra o Mouse para ver se você tem a opção.
Como alternativa, você pode usar o AutoHotKey
LButton Left mouse button
RButton Right mouse button
MButton Middle or wheel mouse button
XButton1 4th mouse button. Typically performs the same function as Browser_Back.
XButton2 5th mouse button. Typically performs the same function as Browser_Forward.
WheelDown Turn the wheel downward (toward you).
WheelUp Turn the wheel upward (away from you).
[v1.0.48+]: Scroll to the left or right.
Requires Windows Vista or later. These can be used as hotkeys with some (but not all) mice which have a second wheel or support tilting the wheel to either side. In some cases, software bundled with the mouse must instead be used to control this feature. Regardless of the particular mouse, Send and Click can be used to scroll horizontally in programs which support it.