Acordando um Laptop Morto


Eu tenho um laptop HP 430. Eu descrevi o problema antes neste site. Aqui está: link

O problema é este:


My laptop screen has a crack and so I have attached it to an external screen.

Main Problem

Now, once what happened is that I switched off my laptop when Windows was installing updates which I have done several times before without any problem but this time when I started it, there was a Windows logo and it said "Repairing C drive".

This process went on for an hour. Then it said, "Launching startup repair" before which there was a brief period when the external screen started and displayed blankness. Now, here's the problem: I can only see the lower-right half of my screen(the screen is broken) and so I am unable to see most of the written part and so can't fix anything though startup repair.

Plus the external monitor starts only when Windows starts(I don't know why but it has been this way since the day I attached it). It is off while booting and I don't know how to set it to start at boot. So, how do I then fix my laptop?

Model: HP 430 OS : Windows 8

One solution I can think of is that if I get my hard disk out, fix the OS and put it back or replace it with a new hard disk altogether. But I am not sure if it would work.

Eu já abandonei este laptop e removi o disco rígido. Mas agora sinto que talvez possa restaurá-lo. Qual seria a melhor maneira de restaurá-lo? Será que vai começar sem qualquer disco rígido?

por Yashbhatt 27.09.2015 / 19:27

1 resposta


Tecnicamente, o computador irá 'iniciar' sem um disco rígido, no entanto você não terá um sistema operacional e você encontrará pouco uso para ele sem um. Se você recuperou os dados que precisa manter do disco rígido removido, conecte-o novamente e reinstale as janelas a partir do zero. Se você sentir vontade de aprender alguma coisa, experimente o linux.

por 27.09.2015 / 19:34