Word 2010: várias cópias de um registro mesclado em um rótulo


Gostaríamos de imprimir 4 cópias de cada etiqueta mesclada em um formulário de 6 páginas (Avery 5164) e depois passar para o próximo registro. Como dizemos "repeat record 1" na mesclagem, depois o próximo registro depois do quarto?

por Gracie 29.07.2015 / 19:35

1 resposta


Como faço para imprimir várias cópias de um rótulo ao mesclar?

  1. Abra o documento de origem.

  2. Pressione Alt + F9 para exibir os códigos de campo.

  3. Certifique-se de que o campo { NEXT } apareça somente após o número de rótulos desejados.

    Como você deseja 4 cópias de cada marcador, { NEXT } deve aparecer apenas no início dos rótulos 5, 9, 13, 17 e ...

If you display the source document and then press Alt+F9 to display the field codes in the document. You will see that for each label except the first one, Word includes a { NEXT } field at the beginning of the label. To print multiple copies of the labels, simply remove the desired number of { NEXT } fields. For each { NEXT } field you remove, Word will print that label using the data in the same data record as used by the previous label. (Remember, as well, that Word puts the labels together from left to right, then from top to bottom.)

For instance, let's say that Word formatted your source document for Avery 5160 labels, which are three across and ten rows per sheet. If you want three copies of each label, simply remove the { NEXT } fields from each label in columns two and three. Thus, a { NEXT } field will appear only in the first label of each row, with the exception of the first row, where a { NEXT } is always assumed by Word. To create your actual labels, simply merge the source document with the data source to create a new document that has your labels. You will see that each label is repeated three times.

To create a different quantity of labels, simply make sure that the { NEXT } field appears only after the number of desired labels. This means that if you want five copies of each label, then { NEXT } should appear only at the beginning of the sixth, eleventh, sixteenth, twenty-first, and twenty-sixth labels.

The downside to this approach is that the number of labels you print must be a factor of the number of labels on the sheet. In the case of the Avery 5160 labels, the number 30 (the number of labels per sheet) must be evenly divisible by the number of copies you want. For instance, you could print 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, or 15 labels and fill up each sheet. If you use a different number, such as 7, which is not evenly divisible (7 times 4 is 28, which is the closest you can get), then you must remove all the fields from the last two labels of the sheet so they will print out blank.

Fonte Imprimindo várias cópias de rótulo ao mesclar

por 29.07.2015 / 19:45
