EOF inesperado ao procurar correspondência '' '

echo "Type someone's name, or type ? to list options."
if [ $OPTNAME = "?" ]; then
        echo "Jacob's Computer: Type 'JACOB'"
        echo "Zac's Computer:   Type 'Zac'"
        echo "Help:             Type 'Help'"
        if [ $OPTNAME = "JACOB" ]; then
                echo "Jacobs Computer chosen."
                echo "Now, enter the directory of the file you want to put onto this computer."
                read FILEPATH
                echo "Okay, would you like to specify a directory on the other computer, in which to place the file? (y/n)"
                read YN
                echo "DEBUG $YN"
                if [ $YN = "y" ]; then
                        echo "Okay, in which directory would you like to put the file?"
                        read FILETO
                        echo "Are you ready to send the file? y/n"
                        echo "Reciever name: $OPTNAME"
                        echo "File to send: $FILEPATH"
                        echo "Where to put the file: $FILETO"
                elif [ $YN = "n" ]; then
                        echo "Are you ready to send the file? y/n"
                        echo "Reciever name: $OPTNAME
                        echo "File to send: $FILEPATH"
                        echo "Where to put the file: N/A"
        elif [ $OPTNAME = "ZAC" ]; then
                echo "Zacs Computer chosen."

Este é um código que estou escrevendo para poder especificar um arquivo e um usuário para enviar um arquivo para o computador. Estou com um problema em que, quando o executo, ele retorna esses erros:

filetransfer.sh: line 32: unexpected EOF while looking for matching '"'
filetransfer.sh: line 35: syntax error: unexpected end of file
por Jacob_ 30.05.2015 / 18:10

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