Qual é a diferença entre o comando imagesearch simples e usá-lo com o coordmode no Autohotkey?


Eu quero saber a diferença entre usar o comando simples imagesearch e usá-lo com coordmode .

Que diferença faz realmente quando a usamos com coordmode ?

Por favor, elabore e forneça alguns exemplos também.

por user433939 11.04.2015 / 18:30

1 resposta


Extraído dos documentos de Autohotkey :

Coordmode sets the coordinate mode for various commands to be relative to either the active window or the screen.

If this command is not used, all commands except those documented otherwise (e.g. WinMove and InputBox) use coordinates that are relative to the active window.

Every newly launched thread (such as a hotkey, custom menu item, or timed subroutine), starts off fresh with the default setting for this command. That default may be changed by using this command in the auto-execute section (top part of the script).

Coordmode usa dois parâmetros:

por 13.04.2015 / 05:22
