O VBA é muito lento para lidar com arquivos, acho que o Python seria a melhor escolha para este. Aqui está um código de exemplo que você pode usar:
import os, re, shutil
rootDir = raw_input("Please enter the search directory: ") #use forward slashes
destDir= raw_input("Please enter the destination directory: ")
directoryList = []
for fold,subFold, f in os.walk(rootDir):
match = re.search(r'.*[A-Z]\d\d\d[A-Z]', fold) #your pattern
if match:
directoryList.append(match.group()) #adds to a list of paths
directoryList = set(directoryList) #eliminate duplicates
for dir in directoryList:
#takes the last part as the folder name
folderName = dir.split('/')[-1]
pasteDir = destDir+folderName
shutil.copytree(dir, pasteDir) #creates the new folder and save files and subfldrs