Você está configurando um proxy para conexões http. Enrole e seu navegador da Web use http, mas o rsync não. Assim explicando os erros.
Idealmente, você precisa pedir ao seu administrador de proxy para alterar o proxy para permitir a execução do rsync,
Se não, então você pode ser capaz de obter a sincronização para trabalhar sobre um proxy http como por este blog
There are three steps. The prerequisites required for this to work are that you have the proxy address, admin access to your mac, and that the proxy supports the rsync port (873/tcp).
You can test the connectivity by going to http://rsync.macports.org:873, you should get the following error:
@RSYNCD: 30.0 @ERROR: protocol startup error
If that works ok, then you need to set up the sudo environment for osx to let proxy environment settings through.
Edit your sudoers file with
sudo visudo
. You need to append these lines:Defaults env_keep += "http_proxy HTTP_PROXY HTTPS_PROXY FTP_PROXY RSYNC_PROXY" Defaults env_keep += "ALL_PROXY NO_PROXY"
Set your http proxy
export http_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:8080
where 8080 is the port number of the proxy
Make rsync use the proxy. By default, port uses rsync to manage its updates. RSync can use a proxy environment setting (man rsync for mre)
export RSYNC_PROXY=proxy.example.com:8080
Note the rsync proxy capitalisation, and the fact that it does not need http://
That should do it. You can then run selfupdate to get port to the latest version.