Configurando o PyDev


Depois de acelerar muito tempo tentando descobrir o que deu errado com a instalação de um novo módulo em python, percebi que a raiz do problema é devido à configuração de falhas do plug-in do PyDev. Pelo contrário, o mesmo módulo funciona bem no IDLE 3.2. Então, minha pergunta é: como eu poderia configurar o PyDev exatamente com as mesmas configurações do IDLE 3.2?

por user88349 25.11.2012 / 23:34

1 resposta


Eu não sei se você ainda tem esse problema, mas vou deixar a resposta de qualquer maneira (apenas no caso de alguém se deparar com o mesmo problema - como eu fiz alguns dias atrás).

Deste tutorial:

To configure the interpreter:
1. Go to: window > preferences > PyDev > Interpreter - (Python/Jython/IronPython).
Note that the Auto Config will try to find it in your PATH, but it can fail if it's not there (or if you want to configure a different interpreter).
On Windows it'll also search the registry and provide a choice based on the multiple interpreters available in your computer (searching in the registry).
On Linux/Mac, usually you can do a 'which python' to know where the python executable is located.

2. Choose the interpreter you have installed in your computer (such as python.exe, jython.jar or ipy.exe).

3. Select the paths that will be in your SYSTEM PYTHONPATH.
IMPORTANT: Select only folders that will NOT be used as source folders for any project of yours (those should be later configured as source folders in the project).
IMPORTANT for Mac users: The Python version that usually ships with Mac doesn't seem to have the .py source files available, which are required for PyDev, so, using a different interpreter is recommended (i.e.: Download it from If you don't want to use a different interpreter, get the source files for the Python '/Lib' folder and add those to the system installation.

por 04.10.2013 / 22:25
