Não me lembro como funcionou no Outlook 2002, mas você não pode criar uma regra que exiba um "Alerta de área de trabalho" quando um novo email chegar?
Se isso não funcionar, talvez você esteja interessado no Add-in do Traylook para Outlook do Pergenex Software. Parece que ele traz notificações mais ou menos como as do Outlook 2007. Mas não é gratuito.
Traylook Features
- Integrates directly with Outlook 2000/2002/2003. Traylook runs when
Outlook is active, there is no
additional programs to run or manage.
- Traylook settings are configured conveniently within
Outlook's Options window.
- Create your own colorful popup notification windows similar to MSN
- Traylook's popup notification window can be configured to display
in multiple convenient locations on
your windows desktop.
- Choose which folders you want Traylook to examine.
- Hide Outlook from the taskbar and run invisibly in the
background.New Feature
- User selectable sounds to accompany the notifications.
- Automatic removal of Outlooks standard tray icon. This icon is
replaced with Traylook's more
informative icon.
- New mail messages cycle automatically in popup windows
showing folder name, email From
field, and Subject field.
- Email messages that were marked as important from the sender are
highlighted in red.
- A new system tray icon is added which is color coded to reflect the
status of your inbox messages.
- Read email directly by clicking links in the notification popup window.