Porque “offer.alibaba” abre o tempo todo [duplicado]


Sempre que eu abro um site e clico em um link dentro dele, ele me redireciona para algumas URLs e então finalmente chega ao link "offer.alibaba.com" e me mostrando alguma oferta. Acabei de pesquisar no Google, mas os resultados estão oferecendo software de verificação de vírus para download e outras coisas desse tipo. Eu quero saber o que é isso e de onde ele entrou no meu laptop?

por Asma Wakeel 09.02.2015 / 10:54

1 resposta


Eu encontrei informações sobre de onde vem. Eu não incluí o link para o site onde encontrei esta informação, pois o site pode baixar softwares maliciosos no seu computador. A informação que você está procurando é esta:

Adware.Alibaba.3 is a malicious Trojan infection that can sneak into computers secretly via the Internet. Cyber hackers who design this Trojan horse virus can implant this Trojan into many websites and make it spreads widely all around the world. With a small size, this Trojan can easily be saved on the servers of web pages, which can make the infection infiltrate into innocent computers which are visiting those infected websites. Except that, this Trojan can be embedded into other free programs. Once people download those infected software from some unreliable resources, after install the infected application on their computers, this Trojan can hack into those computers at the same time without any notification. Also, cyber hackers can add this Trojan as a attachment in a E-mail, and forge the title of the E-mail that make computer users who receive this spam E-mail comes from a legit place. People can be easily cheated by the title and lured to open the attachment which actually is the executable file of the Trojan.

The Adware.Alibaba.3 virus is very tricky, and it takes use of system leaks to drop harmful threats to the computer. Also, it may enable some unwanted plug-ins and extensions to be installed in the contaminated system secretly. Consequently, the CPU usage of the computer will be taken up greatly. Moreover, the Trojan infection makes great chaos during users Internet browsing activities. Users will be very annoyed by being redirected to other harmful web pages every time you click on web links and search for favorite content. You just find that computer settings like desktop image and browser homepage are changed casually. Actually, the Trojan infection may enable remote hackers to visit the computer without any consent in order to collect vital information. Thus, a prompt manual removal process should be carried out to deal with the risky Adware.Alibaba.3 virus immediately.

Eu recomendaria conseguir algo diferente de um programa antivírus, como o Malwarebytes, que não é antivírus, mas sim um anti-malware, e é executado em conjunto com todos os programas antivírus que já usei. (Eu usei muito.)

por 09.02.2015 / 12:02