Não consigo instalar o Visual c ++ 2008 Express


Não consigo instalar o Visual c ++ 2008 Express. Eu tenho esta mensagem: "Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 Express Edition com SP1 - ENU encontrou um problema durante a instalação. A instalação não foi concluída corretamente." Este é o log de erros: link

por salvatore 14.06.2013 / 18:08

1 resposta


retornou 8004036e / código de erro 80004005

Instale a Ajuda do MSDN manualmente ... e veja o link

A work around exists for this problem, but you can only use this workaround if the following conditions are true: •You are experiencing the problem that is mentioned in the “Symptoms” section. •The 8004036e hexadecimal error value is returned for the CreateTransaction function.

You can verify whether this hexadecimal error value was returned by checking the log file. To work around this problem, follow these steps: 1.Search for the Rgstrtn.lck file on your computer.

This file may be located in the TEMP folder or in any subfolder of the TEMP folder, or it may be located in the following folder: System Drive:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft Help 2.If the Rgstrtn.lck file exists, move the Rgstrtn.lck file to another folder. 3.If any folders exist in the following folder, move the folders to another location: System Drive:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft Help Note System Drive is a placeholder for the drive where the operating system of your computer is installed.

Do not rename the folders that are mentioned in the "Workaround" section. If you rename the folders that are present in the System Drive \Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft Help folder, you cannot work around this problem. The code verifies the existence of any folder regardless of the name in the System Drive\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft Help folder. If this folder contains any folders, you cannot work around this problem.

pode ser uma ajuda ...

por 14.06.2013 / 18:22