De help about_quoting_rules
To make double-quotation marks appear in a string, enclose the entire string in single quotation marks. For example:
'As they say, "live and learn."'
The output from this command is:
As they say, "live and learn."
You can also enclose a single-quoted string in a double-quoted string. For example:
"As they say, 'live and learn.'"
The output from this command is:
As they say, 'live and learn.'
To force Windows PowerShell to interpret a double quotation mark literally, use a backtick character. This prevents Windows PowerShell from interpreting the quotation mark as a string delimiter. For example:
"Use a quotation mark ('") to begin a string."
The output from this command is:
Use a quotation mark (") to begin a string.
Because the contents of single-quoted strings are interpreted literally, you cannot use the backtick character to force a literal character interpretation in a single-quoted string.
O uso do caractere de backtick para escapar de outras aspas em cadeias com aspas simples não é suportado em versões recentes do PowerShell. Nas versões anteriores do PowerShell, o caractere de escape de backtick poderia ser usado para escapar de um caractere de aspas duplas em uma única cadeia de caracteres entre aspas, conforme detalhado no documento help about_quoting
que está disponível nessas versões do PowerShell.