Eu encontrei isto depois de fazer o locate git-shell-commands
cat /usr/share/doc/git-
Sample programs callable through git-shell. Place a directory named 'git-shell-commands' in the home directory of a user whose shell is git-shell. Then anyone logging in as that user will be able to run executables in the 'git-shell-commands' directory.
Provided commands:
help: Prints out the names of available commands. When run interactively, git-shell will automatically run 'help' on startup, provided it exists.
list: Displays any bare repository whose name ends with ".git" under user's home directory. No other git repositories are visible, although they might be clonable through git-shell. 'list' is designed to minimize the number of calls to git that must be made in finding available repositories; if your setup has additional repositories that should be user-discoverable, you may wish to modify 'list' accordingly.
Então eu
[root@svn ~]# cp /usr/share/doc/git- /home/git -R
[root@svn ~]# chown git:developers /home/git/git-shell-commands/ -R
[root@svn ~]# chmod +x /home/git/git-shell-commands/help
[root@svn ~]# chmod +x /home/git/git-shell-commands/list
[root@svn ~]# exit
[me@svn ~]$ su git
Run 'help' for help, or 'exit' to leave. Available commands:
git> help
Run 'help' for help, or 'exit' to leave. Available commands:
git> list
git> exit
Agora eu não vejo que boa ajuda e lista são, mas o login funcionou. :)