Sim, cada processo do php está usando 30% da memória total .
Um sim de novo, a memória compartilhada é o motivo pelo qual você não pode simplesmente adicionar. Veja a coluna "SHR", este é o valor da memória compartilhada, RES significa residente. De "man top":
n: %MEM -- Memory usage (RES)
A task's currently used share of available physical memory.
o: VIRT -- Virtual Image (kb)
The total amount of virtual memory used by the task. It includes all code, data and shared libraries plus pages that have been swapped out.
p: SWAP -- Swapped size (kb)
The swapped out portion of a task's total virtual memory image.
q: RES -- Resident size (kb)
The non-swapped physical memory a task has used.
r: CODE -- Code size (kb)
The amount of physical memory devoted to executable code, also known as the 'text resident set' size or TRS.
s: DATA -- Data+Stack size (kb)
The amount of physical memory devoted to other than executable code, also known as the 'data resident set' size or DRS.
t: SHR -- Shared Mem size (kb)
The amount of shared memory used by a task. It simply reflects memory that could be potentially shared with other processes.