Teamviewer 12 no GUI


Estou usando o TeamViewer no Ubuntu há muito tempo. Desde que eu atualizei para a versão 12, ele funciona bem por alguns dias, às vezes semanas e, de repente, ele pára de ser lançado. Eu consegui pelo menos três vezes para fazê-lo funcionar novamente desinstalando-o e removendo todos os vestígios dele usando o comando locate. Desta vez isso não funcionou mais. O pacote é Teamviewer_12.0.71510_i386.deb em execução no Ubuntu 16.04 x64, o mesmo pacote foi usado com sucesso anteriormente. O log em /var/log/teamviewer12 é:

cat /var/log/teamviewer12/TeamViewer12_Logfile.log 
2017/01/20 12:32:12.727  4003 4146104256 S   Logger started.
2017/01/20 12:32:12.728  4003 4146104256 S   Found 0 Minidump files ...
2017/01/20 12:32:12.728  4003 4146104256 S   Found 0 core dump files ...
2017/01/20 12:32:12.729  4003 4146104256 S+  Thread: IOServiceWorker_0_2
2017/01/20 12:32:12.729  4003 4146104256 S+  Thread: IOServiceWorker_0_0
2017/01/20 12:32:12.729  4003 4146104256 S+  Thread: IOServiceWorker_0_1
2017/01/20 12:32:12.729  4003 4146104256 S+  Thread: IOServiceWorker_0_3
2017/01/20 12:32:12.730  4003 4146104256 S   systemd: logind service available
2017/01/20 12:32:12.731  4003 4146104256 S   systemd: New seat seat0 [path=/org/freedesktop/login1/seat/seat0, activeSession='c1', canGraphical=1, canTTY=1, canMultiSession=1]
2017/01/20 12:32:12.731  4003 4146104256 S+  DBus: optional property DefaultControlGroup not found
2017/01/20 12:32:12.731  4003 4146104256 S+  DBus: optional property KillProcesses not found
2017/01/20 12:32:12.732  4003 4146104256 S   SystemdSessionInfo: New session SystemdSessionInfo [id=c1 user=roni state=user active=1 reliable=1 infoId=0] [path=/org/freedesktop/login1/session/c1 TTY= seat=seat0 display=:0 vtnr=7 owner=[SysUser_Lin: roni [uid=1000, gid=1000 home=/home/roni gecos=roni,,, shell=/bin/bash]] idle=0(0) active=1 type=x11 class=user state=active timestamp=1484925236145766 service=lightdm-autologin defaultCG= leader=1161 audit=0 remote=0 rHost= rUser= killProc=0]
2017/01/20 12:32:12.732  4003 4146104256 S   SysSessionInfoManager: Session Information provided by systemd [priority: 0]
2017/01/20 12:32:12.732  4003 4146104256 S   SysSessionInfoManager: Session Information provided by VT [priority: 2]
2017/01/20 12:32:12.732  4003 4146104256 S+  LateBinding []: Loaded library
2017/01/20 12:32:12.732  4003 4146104256 S   XSocket observer: watching /tmp/.X11-unix
2017/01/20 12:32:12.732  4003 4146104256 S   XSocket observer: adding XSession: 0
2017/01/20 12:32:12.733  4003 4146104256 S   SysSessionInfoManager: assigned session 0 to info provider 'systemd'
2017/01/20 12:32:12.733  4003 4146104256 S   SysSessionInfoManager: assigned session 1000000 to info provider 'None'
2017/01/20 12:32:12.733  4003 4146104256 S   Starting as daemon
2017/01/20 12:32:12.734  4003 4146104256 S!  AsioSettings::FindExternalIP: found 0 external IPs instead of 1!
2017/01/20 12:32:12.735  4003 4146104256 S   UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
2017/01/20 12:32:12.735  4003 4146104256 S!  AsioSettings::FindExternalIP: found 0 external IPs instead of 1!
2017/01/20 12:32:12.736  4003 4146104256 S   Generating new RSA private/public key pair
2017/01/20 12:32:12.764  4003 4146104256 S   System uptime: 1105 seconds
2017/01/20 12:32:12.764  4003 4146104256 S   MachineID m=0 - 0

Start:              2017/01/20 12:32:12.765  (UTC-3:00)
Version:            12.0.71510 
ID:                 0
Loglevel:           Info (100)
License:            0
IC:                 1454453726
CPU:                Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz
CPU extensions:     h9
OS:                 Lx Ubuntu 16.04.1 LT (32-bit)
IP:       ,
MID:                1454453726_b3a82e9a_55cb09896d984250
MIDv:               0
Proxy-Settings:     Type=0 IP= User=

2017/01/20 12:32:12.765  4003 4146104256 S   RemoteSettingsMDRelationshipWatchDog: DEVICE ISN'T A MANAGED DEVICE
2017/01/20 12:32:12.765  4003 4020218688 S   RemoteSettingsStore: Cleanup all policies.
2017/01/20 12:32:12.765  4003 4146104256 S   RemoteSettingsStoreListener: Establish connection.
2017/01/20 12:32:12.766  4003 4020218688 S   RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_TVClientSetting_Policy empty
2017/01/20 12:32:12.766  4003 4020218688 S   RemoteSettingsMDRelationshipWatchDog: DEVICE ISN'T A MANAGED DEVICE
2017/01/20 12:32:12.766  4003 4146104256 S   Using IPC-Port 5939
2017/01/20 12:32:12.766  4003 4146104256 S   Updated sessions: [ 0 C  roni ]  [ 1000000  L root ]  
2017/01/20 12:32:12.766  4003 4146104256 S   UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
2017/01/20 12:32:12.766  4003 4146104256 S   Updated sessions: [ 0 C  roni ]  [ 1000000  L root ]  
2017/01/20 12:32:12.766  4003 4146104256 S   UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
2017/01/20 12:32:12.766  4003 4146104256 S   UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
2017/01/20 12:32:12.766  4003 4146104256 S   UpdateResponseLinux: success 1 updated 0 rev 0
2017/01/20 12:32:12.767  4003 4003433280 S   Using systemd-logind for suspend/resume monitoring
2017/01/20 12:32:12.767  4003 4003433280 S   Session login for session 0
2017/01/20 12:32:12.767  4003 4003433280 S   CTerminalServer::RepeatedlyCheckForUserLogin() Don't start GUI for session 0

Por favor, ajude!

por Roni Berezin 20.01.2017 / 16:43

2 respostas


O mesmo problema, eu resolvi desta maneira, olhando para /home/user/.config/teamviewer/client.conf o parâmetro [strng] FT_Start_Directories = "" foi ridiculamente longo e eu simplesmente deletei qualquer coisa entre "" tantos como os diretórios não estavam nem no meu computador. Agora o Teamviewer está de volta!

por rok 01.03.2017 / 09:36

Eu tenho o mesmo problema. Meu sistema operacional é linux mint e resolvi o problema da seguinte forma:

  1. apt-get purge teamviewer
  2. locate -e teamviewer
  3. remover todos os arquivos e pastas com o nome 'teamviewer' da etapa 2, exceto disco ou temas de dados, por exemplo, /home/'youraccount'/.config/teamviewer, / home / 'suaconta' /. config / teamviewer10 ...
  4. faça o download do deb teamviewer mais recente e instale

Acabei de resolver o problema acima!

Referência: O TeamViewer 11 não roda no Ubuntu 16.04 64 bits

por Hao Huang 04.02.2017 / 05:20