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O agendamento de gangues também é chamado de co-agendamento. Eu acho que a VMware prefere o termo co-agendamento para agendamento de gangues.
Nas versões do ESX anteriores à versão 3.x, a VMware usava o co-agendamento "estrito", que tinha as desvantagens da sincronização. No ESX 3.xe acima, o VMware mudou para o co-agendamento "relaxado".
Relaxed co-scheduling replaced the strict co-scheduling in ESX 3.x and has been refined in subsequent releases to achieve better CPU utilization and to support wide multiprocessor virtual machines. Relaxed co-scheduling has a few distinctive properties compared to the strict co-scheduling algorithm. Most important of all, while in the strict co-scheduling algorithm, the existence of a lagging vCPU causes the entire virtual machine to be co-stopped. In the relaxed co-scheduling algorithm, a leading vCPU decides whether it should co-stop itself based on the skew against the slowest sibling vCPU. If the skew is greater than a threshold, the leading vCPU co-stops itself. Note that a lagging vCPU is one that makes significantly less progress than the fastest sibling vCPU, while a leading vCPU is one that makes significantly more progress than the slowest sibling vCPU. By tracking the slowest sibling vCPU, it is now possible for each vCPU to make its own co-scheduling decision independently. Like co-stop, the co-start decision is also made individually. Once the slowest sibling vCPU starts progressing, the co-stopped vCPUs are eligible to co-start and can be scheduled depending on pCPU availability. This solves the CPU fragmentation problem in the strict co-scheduling algorithm by not requiring a group of vCPUs to be scheduled together. In the previous example of the 4- vCPU virtual machine, the virtual machine can make forward progress even if there is only one idle pCPU available. This significantly improves CPU utilization.
O snippet acima é da própria documentação da VMware.
Portanto, o VMware não está mais usando o agendamento estrito de gangues. Eu trataria a documentação diretamente do fornecedor como sendo mais autoritária.
A única coisa que lhe dará números concretos é um benchmark, e será totalmente dependente dos tipos de código que as CPUs estão rodando. Mas posso dizer que se a VMware estivesse em desvantagem, eles ainda não teriam a maior parte do mercado de virtualização.