Confira a FAQ do Nagios em Sem permissão para visualizar a configuração , que diz:
Description: If you click on "View Config" and you get: """It appears as though you do not have permission to view the configuration information you requested... If you believe this is an error, check the HTTP server authentication requirements for accessing this CGI and check the authorization options in your CGI configuration file."""
Solution: You need to set "authorized_for_configuration_information" in cgi.cfg
Por padrão, no meu sistema EL6, 'authorized_for_configuration_information' está configurado para ser 'nagiosadmin'. Muitos sites definem isso como authorized_for_configuration_information=*
, o que corrige seu problema.
Além disso, verifique se você está usando a autenticação HTTP corretamente. Consulte o link
Enabling Authentication/Authorization Functionality In The CGIs
The next thing you need to do is make sure that the CGIs are configured to use the authentication and authorization functionality in determining what information and/or commands users have access to. This is done be setting the use_authentication variable in the CGI configuration file to a non-zero value. Example: